25 Online Fundraiser Ideas for Schools

Looking for ways to raise more for your school? This comprehensive list of online fundraiser ideas for schools will inspire you with unique and successful examples.

Schools need financial resources in order to offer quality instruction to students. Public, charter, and private schools all require funding to support academic endeavors, whether for classroom supplies, special field trip expenses, library books, or expensive digital equipment that will equip students for the future. 

Thankfully, the advent of modern technology provides an array of options for online school fundraisers that require far less administrative overhead and achieve better results than more traditional methods. Below we’ve included a list of ideas along with a rating of cost and difficulty for each idea on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 being cheapest/easiest and 3 being most expensive/most difficult.

Here are 25 unique online fundraiser ideas for schools:

1.  Launch a Peer-To-Peer Fundraising Campaign


Cost: 1

Difficulty: 2

Many schools continue to rely on more traditional, offline fundraising efforts. However, peer-to-peer online campaigns are a highly effective way to meet and exceed financial goals. A peer-to-peer campaign asks your community members to become your fundraisers and reach out to their networks to ask for donations. 

A great example of this is the We Are San Marino fundraiser. The school was facing layoffs due to budget and asked families to help them meet budget. Families created fundraising pages and raised money on behalf of the school. It brought in over $1,100,00.


To see how another school raised over $100,000 with a peer-to-peer fundraiser, check out this video breakdown from Mercy High School.

Schools are community-centered, which makes peer-to-peer fundraising a natural option. CauseVox is the perfect option for running your online fundraiser ideas for schools.

How To Get Started

Launch your next peer-to-peer fundraising campaign today with CauseVox! CauseVox makes peer-to-peer fundraising easy with customizable donation pages for all of your fundraisers. Make it simple for them by including instructions for setting up their page and soliciting donations. 

2. Run a Trivia Night

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 3

A trivia night is a great option for schools because it’s actually really easy to do and costs you basically nothing to set up. You can choose to do it virtually or in person, but the steps are similar for each. 


Oak Hill School of California ran a trivia fundraiser to help cover tuition costs for students who needed support.

The steps are pretty simple:

  • Pick a date and time. 
  • Choose the streaming platform you’d like to use (Zoom works great) if you’re running things virtually. Otherwise, pick a large space like a gym or auditorium so you can host a large group of people.
  • Decide if people will be playing in teams, as individuals, or if you’ll assign them randomly to teams (this is truly diabolical). 
  • Choose your questions (they can be themed or not).
  • Run the trivia! Read out the questions and let each team answer together. If you’re using Zoom, put each team in their own breakout room. Two rounds is usually just about perfect.
  • Score the trivia and announce a winner. In person you can ask teams to pass in their sheets for scoring, and virtually you can have people send you their answers so that you can score.
  • Charge an entry fee, and ask participants to fundraise for bonus incentives! Maybe they get a free point for raising a certain amount, or receive a little bit of swag.

How To Get Started

The first step when planning a trivia night fundraiser is to decide whether to hold the event in-person or virtually. There are pros and cons to both options, but the most important thing to consider is your community. Ask around among your top donors to make sure that the format you choose works for them. Donor communication is crucial to all the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list.

3. Hold a Dance Marathon

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 2


Cardinal O’Hara High School holds a dance marathon every year to honor a student who passed away from cancer.

A dance marathon is another fun, low-cost way to raise money and get your school community involved. It can be done virtually or in person. In practice, it’s pretty similar to the trivia night. You can choose to run it in a space like a gym or auditorium or over Zoom. You’ll choose your date and time, plus your fundraising goals and set up an online fundraising site for your peer-to-peer fundraisers.

Dance marathons are particularly great for schools because they tap into the competitive nature of kids, and ask them to channel that competition into fundraising for you. The basic idea is that you’ll set a time frame (it could be anywhere from 2 hours to 24 hours) and see who can keep dancing the longest. People could compete alone or as teams (one person from the team has to keep dancing for the full time).

Just like with trivia night, you can offer special incentives for people who raise more money: maybe they get to sit out for a song, choose the song, or force another team to have two dancers on the floor at once.


Don’t forget to have a prize for your winner: they’ve worked hard!

How to Get Started

Dance marathons are especially popular with a younger audience, which is one of the reasons why they work so well for schools. Set yourself up for success with this idea by generating buzz among your younger community members. You could do this through word-of-mouth, a viral video, or any other method for raising awareness. 

4. Have Students Sell Something

Cost: 3

Difficulty: 2

Schools have been asking students to sell all kinds of items as fundraisers longer than I can remember. Wrapping paper. Bad popcorn. Tchotchkes of all kinds. These days you can partner with companies like Krispy Kreme to offer something a little more exciting. Arundel Christian School worked with Krispy Kreme to sell donuts by the dozen. One of my favorite things about this fundraiser is that they’ve moved it all to digital: no more having to fulfill orders and follow up with donors to get them their item.


Instead they simply included a voucher for the dozen donuts in the receipt email. So simple and so easy. Work with a local store or a chain to find an item you can use.

How to Get Started

You will want to keep the overhead you spend on product low for this event so you’ll have to do some research to decide what your students will sell. Look into partnering with a local or national business that offers discount products for fundraisers. 

5. Have a Virtual Walkathon

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 3

In all likelihood, you’re familiar with the concept of a walkathon or run. You ask folks to commit to walking or running a certain distance and they raise money in support of their walk/run. What you might not know is that you can do that virtually and it’s so much easier.

The basic concept for a virtual walkathon is similar. Your participants act as peer-to-peer fundraisers. What’s different is that you don’t have to have a specific day and time during which everyone gathers to complete their walk. 

Participants can sign-up and commit to their walk on their own time in their own way. You can choose to give them a specific time frame, but allowing them to choose the exact date or place makes it much more accessible to families, younger children, or people with busy schedules (as we all have).

Don’t forget to offer some swag to incentivize fundraising!

How to Get Started

Kick off your virtual walkathon with a video from staff and/or volunteers. Even though your community may be familiar with walkathons, they may have never participated in a virtual walkathon. By filming a video that explains the process, you will make it easy for your donors to get started.

6. Hold An Online Raffle

Cost: 3

Difficulty: 1

Raffles are a classic fundraising method. There is something thrilling about waiting for the number called from a stage to match the number of a ticket stub in your hand, hoping to win a prize.

Now you can offer the thrill and excitement of raffles to a supportive community base without the hassle and expense of orchestrating an entire event.

Nido de Aguilas raises funds with an annual raffle, including prizes for everyone in their community.

You can use the new ticketing feature on CauseVox to easily sell your raffle tickets online.

How to Get Started

With a raffle fundraiser, most of your effort will be put towards procurement. You want to make sure you have exciting prizes that will inspire donors to buy tickets. Reach out to donors and community members to donate or underwrite the expenses involved with procuring raffle items.

7. Hold An Online Talent Show

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 2

Talent shows are a fun, entertaining way to fundraise. With a few modifications, you can hold an online talent show in conjunction with a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign.

When students, parents, or teachers create a fundraising page, you can encourage them to record and upload a 1-2 minute video of themselves performing their talent.

Then they can share their video with family, friends, and networks encouraging them to vote for their talent video. Votes are registered in the form of donations (e.g. $5 = 1 vote). At the conclusion of the campaign, the talent show winner wins a prize and bragging rights.

How to Get Started

Some of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list are easier to start than others. As a school, you might already host an annual talent show. Consider whether you can transition this event into an online fundraiser, or use online fundraising in conjunction with the physical event.You don’t want to reinvent the wheel if you don’t have to. Online talent shows are a great way to raise funds with an event that will be familiar to your community.

8. Take Advantage Of Retailer Reward Programs

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 1

This passive fundraising method can be utilized both on and offline. You can encourage your students, their families, and your community to shop with retailers that offer rewards to nonprofits or some local schools.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for shoppers to support nonprofit organizations of their choice every time they shop, at no additional cost to the customer. While AmazonSmile is not an option for public schools (unless it’s through a PTO registered as a 501(c)3) , it is an excellent option for private schools and charter schools that operate as nonprofits.

Kroger grocery stores offer community rewards to churches, schools, and nonprofit organizations. Customers simply shop at the store, and swipe their frequent customer card (Kroger plus card). Kroger gives millions of dollars to community organizations annually, and with minimal effort from your community, you can tap into those resources.

Schools can promote these types of programs by utilizing their social media platforms, email newsletters, the school’s online portal, letters home to parents, and any other means of communication.

How to Get Started

Since this type of fundraiser relies on a partnership with a retailer, you will have to begin this event by starting this partnership. For both Amazon Smile and Kroger, this involves filling out a simple application.

9. Virtual Gala

Cost: 3

Difficulty: 3

Virtual galas became popular during 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but they are still a great online fundraiser option for schools. The virtual format makes these events more accessible for your community. In addition, the ticket price for virtual galas tends to be lower than in-person, further increasing their accessibility.

With a virtual gala, you will want to make sure that you offer enticing incentives for your donors to participate. Think about how you can keep them engaged with entertainment throughout your program. For example, you could incorporate video from a few students playing music, dancing, or showing off their talents. You can also include a raffle or auction in your program to increase participation.

Would you prefer to host your gala in person? You can still use crowdfunding online leading up to the event to start making progress towards your fundraising goal. 

Mentor of the Year Awards celebrates their support of children in New York with a virtual gala and awards show.

How to Get Started

The first step when you begin planning a virtual gala is to become familiar with whichever streaming service you will use for the event. Streaming a live event adds a technically challenging element to an already complicated event. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to learn how to use the streaming software and how you will integrate it with your fundraising website. The other option is to find an AV partner to help you with this aspect of the event. 

10. Create An Impact Video

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 1

Never underestimate the power of a video to help with your fundraising. Of all the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list, this may be the simplest. As a school, you are responsible for inspiring the next generation. You do wonderful work. Why not show your community your impact with a heart-warming video? 

Fundraising videos can be a great way to add a compelling story to your next campaign. You can do the filming yourself or hire a company to assist, but remember to keep the focus (and the camera) on the students. The best rule of thumb for fundraising videos is to emphasize the mission of your organization wherever possible. As a school, your mission is simple: to support students. So make sure that your fundraising video shows how you are accomplishing this mission with testimonials from your students themselves.

Dream Academy included a video on the homepage of their donation page to encourage donations and explain their impact.

How to Get Started

If you’ve never filmed a video before, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed. Not only is this a technical challenge, but you also need to weave in a narrative that will keep your viewers engaged. There’s a lot to consider, but it’s important to draft a plan for the video so that you don’t end up winging it. Determine how many interviews you will conduct and with whom. Then you can decide how you will fill the space in between these interviews. Even a basic plan for your fundraising video will make your life much easier when you begin filming.

11. TED Talks Junior

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 3

Take it from us: webinars can be a great way to engage your community. People love to learn, and the popularity of the online lecture series, TED Talks, is proof of this. With a little effort, your school can put on your own TED Talks series with students as the speakers. 

Your students spend their days learning. Every student has at least one subject that inspires them. With this fundraising idea, you can leverage this passion to raise money. Ask a few students to record video lectures and then release them on a fundraising website. With CauseVox, you can easily add ticketing to your event to charge participants a fee to watch your TED Talks Junior series. You can also use this series to solicit donations.

The best part of this online fundraiser is that it shows your community the value of their donation while they are making it. By donating, they are nurturing the student speakers and supporting them in their pursuits.

How to Get Started

When you announce that you will be hosting a series of online lectures, you may have a large number of students who want to participate. Depending on the size of your school, you may not be able to feature them all. Think about how you can fairly determine who will be included in the final video series. For example, you could start this process by putting on a science fair with judges. The top contenders from the science fair then have the opportunity to speak in the TED Talks Junior series.

12. Add a Flexible Metric to Your Donation Page

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 1 

With CauseVox, you can now include flexible metrics on your fundraising campaign homepage. The best part about this feature is that it can be applied to any of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list. 

School Lunch Fairy included the flexible metric of number of school lunches paid for as the flexible metric on their donation home page.

Adding a flexible metric to your homepage is a great way to show donors the tangible impact of their donations. Another way to accomplish this is to include donation tiers on your giving page. Donation tiers have been proven to increase average donation size and improve donor experience. 

Include a flexible donation metric for any of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list.

How to Get Started

To get started with adding a flexible metric to your next fundraiser, you will first need to use CauseVox to create your donation page. Book a 1-1 Demo with our team to chat about how CauseVox can help you create an optimized donation page that includes flexible metrics.

13. Virtual Tour

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 1

Schools often find themselves fundraising in the form of capital campaigns. Capital campaigns are a specific type of fundraiser that involve raising money for a specific purpose such as remodel or construction project. With a virtual tour, you can give your community an inside look at your next capital campaign.

A virtual tour shows exactly how and why you will be spending the donations from your capital campaign. This will build trust among your donors and encourage them to give. In addition, they will feel engaged with this project if you can give them an inside look.

Virtual tours are a simple and effective way to bring in more donations for your next capital campaign.

How to Get Started

If your capital campaign involves remodeling, improving, or building a physical space, begin your virtual tour with footage of this space. You can always supplement this footage with interviews or other content, but the focus should be on the space since it is the focus of your fundraiser.

14. Peer-to-Peer Team Fundraising

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 2 

Peer-to-peer fundraising can work better if you add a competitive element to the campaign. Incorporate team fundraising into your next peer-to-peer campaign to raise more from your donors.

Al-Huda school encourages students to team up to raise money.

Team fundraising looks a lot like individual peer-to-peer fundraising except that groups of supporters team up to raise money together through a team fundraising page. This allows your donors to pool their resources, time, and connections. Not only does this introduce a fun competitive element between teams, but it also makes life easier for individuals if they don’t have to fundraise by themselves.

How to Get Started

You can easily set up team fundraising with CauseVox’s peer-to-peer feature. The next step is to begin enlisting teams. Create a list of student groups that may be interested in teaming up to fundraise and reach out with detailed instructions for how to set up a team fundraising page.

15. Gaming Tournament

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 3

If you’re looking for online fundraiser ideas for schools that will appeal to your students, look no further than a gaming tournament. Video games and board games are popular among younger audiences. Capitalize on that popularity with a tournament for your next fundraiser.

Gaming tournaments can be a great way to bring in revenue quickly by charging an entry fee for participants. As a school, you likely have access to a space where you can host this tournament if you decide you want it to happen in person. But gaming tournaments can also be held virtually with online games and/or leaderboards.

The Gauntlet is a Seattle-based gaming competition that supports local students.

If you do decide to host your event in-person, consider setting up a live stream so that the event can be accessible to your whole community. This will allow supporters who are not able to attend to make donations as part of the campaign.

How to Get Started

The first step for this fundraiser is to select the game or collection of games that will be featured in the tournament. As a school, your focus should be on games that are educational and popular with your students. Consider polling students about their favorite games and then researching the results to see which games would be most appropriate.

16. Holiday Fundraising Campaign

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 1

Take advantage of the season of giving by hosting a holiday fundraising campaign for your school. The students may not be in session, but you can still raise necessary funds with a successful campaign. In fact, hosting a holiday fundraising event can help you bring in higher donations as a result of the increased generosity at end-of-year.

The best part of hosting a holiday fundraising campaign is that you can create a long donation window for your campaign. Rather than encouraging donations over a single day or week, you can extend your campaign throughout the holidays. This strategy will allow you to leverage worldwide days of generosity like Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday, Christmas, Hanukkah, and more!

Nido Scholars encouraged donors to make a contribution during the holidays.

How to Get Started

If you would like to host a holiday fundraiser for your school, you must get started with the planning early in the year. Don’t wait until November to begin planning a fundraiser that will kick off at Thanksgiving. Get your plans in order months in advance and you will be ready for a stellar holiday fundraiser.

17. Charity Auction

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 2

Auctions are a great way to bring in revenue for your school. You can either add an auction to a preexisting event or host it separately as its own campaign. Whatever you do, make sure that you get some exciting items to offer to your donors. 

Donors are becoming increasingly comfortable with online auctions. The ability to bid from your phone makes participation simple and easy. There are plenty of options for auction sites, and CauseVox’s custom donation fields and ticketing features make it a great option.The only thing you need to do is put together a great catalog and get the word out to your community.

If you are new to auction hosting and aren’t sure how to plan this type of event, check out our step-by-step guide.

How to Get Started

The biggest hurdle that you will encounter with an online auction is a lack of awareness. If you donors don’t know about the items up for bidding, they are not likely to participate. So before you begin your auction, make sure to preview all the items so that your community can get excited about the event ahead of time.

18. Matching Donation Campaign

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 3

Matching donations can be a huge help with your fundraising goals if you know where to find them. You will need to enlist a major donor or corporate sponsor to contribute matching funds for all donations made up to a certain amount. The value of this type of campaign is not difficult to see. You make twice as much with the same amount of effort. The trick with these campaigns is finding the matching donor.

When looking for a matching donor, reach out to your top donors to see if they would be willing to sponsor this campaign. You will likely have better luck with members of your community than if you try cold-calling businesses. 

How to Get Started

Donors will be excited by the idea of a matching campaign so make sure you publicize this fundraiser as much as possible. This also allows you to honor and thank the donor or donors who are sponsoring the event. Always ask for permission before sharing the matching donor’s name in your promotion of the fundraiser. You can also try adding a matching component to any of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list.

19. Fundraising Store

Cost: 2

Difficulty: 1

Fundraising stores are a great way to raise money and engage your community at the same time. This campaign involves selling merchandise with your name and logo for a slight markup in order to raise funds.

The most common fundraising store products are wearable items like shirts and tote bags. Nonprofits around the world use these swag items to raise awareness, thank donors, and incentivize gifts. As a school, make sure that the products you sell are accessible and popular among younger people. Students will most likely make up a large portion of your customer base.

When setting up a fundraising store, you can either design and print a batch of products in advance or sign up for a print-on-demand service like Printify. You can also combine this idea with any of the other online fundraising ideas for schools on this list by selling merchandise as part of an event.

Nonprofits often sell T-shirts as one revenue source at fundraising events.

How to Get Started

Like most of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list, you should begin by setting up a fundraising website with your campaign. With CauseVox’s easy ticketing system, you can not only sell tickets, but also physical items from your fundraising page. For more about how you can use CauseVox ticketing to supercharge your fundraising effort, check out this article.

20. Optimize Your Fundraising Page For Mobile

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 1

This idea may seem intuitive, but it’s surprising how many donation forms are not optimized for mobile devices. This is a puzzling trend, since mobile donations account for 28% of donations to nonprofits in today’s world. Set yourself up for success by optimizing your donation form for mobile devices today.

There are a couple steps you can take right now to make your donation form more mobile-friendly. First, make sure that you are able to accept mobile payment options like Apple and Google Pay. These payment options are becoming more and more popular among digital consumers every day. The other easy step you can take now is to reduce the amount of text on your donation form. This is a good rule of thumb in general, but large blocks of text are especially noticeable on mobile devices.

Volo Kids Foundation’s donation form looks great on desktop and mobile.

How to Get Started

If you’re not very tech literate, making sure that your school’s donation page is optimized for mobile may seem like a daunting task. If you’re not sure how to get started, don’t worry. We’ve put together a convenient checklist that you can refer to in order to “grade” your donation form. Make sure you optimize your donation page for all of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list.

21. Principal Dare

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 2

Everyone loves seeing an authority figure embarrassed, especially students. For this fundraising idea, have your principal agree to do some sort of dare or challenge if your fundraiser reaches a certain amount. This can be a highly successful fundraising concept for engaging students. 

Make sure that you publicize this event widely. You want to make sure that everyone understands the stakes. Consider having your principal film a video in which they promise to finish the dare as long as the fundraising goal is reached. This will build trust among your donors.

Here are a couple examples of dares that you could suggest to your principal:

  • Wearing a silly wig to school for a week
  • Talking in a silly voice or accent
  • Doing a dance in front of the whole school

How to Get Started

The best place to start with this fundraiser is with a discussion with your principal. Not only will they let you know what they would be willing to do for this fundraiser, but they also probably have insight into what the students would want to see.

22. “Teacher in Jail” Fundraiser

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 2

This fundraising idea is similar to the principal dare idea above, but with a more specific premise. For this fundraiser, ask your teachers to put themselves in “jail” for a few hours if their classes can meet a fundraising goal. Each class will work to meet a predetermined goal in order to send their teachers to jail. This type of fundraiser introduces a competitive element that can help you maximize your revenue.

This fundraising idea has been used across the country to get students engaged with a school fundraiser. Students will enjoy the opportunity to embarrass their teachers by placing them in jail. You can also offer an additional incentive like a pizza party or free period during the teachers’ “jail time.” Add to the pageantry with jailhouse costumes for your teachers.

How to Get Started

Getting started with this fundraising idea is as simple as having a conversation with your teachers to see if they would be willing to participate. Once you have the go-ahead from them, put together a packet of materials that each teacher can distribute to their students. This should include pertinent details like timelines, fundraising goals, and a sample appeal for friends and family members.

23. School Dance Fundraiser

Cost: 3

Difficulty: 2

Everyone remembers their first school dance. These memorable evenings are important for young people to unwind after the stresses of school. Why not take this popular event and leverage it to raise funds for your school?

The most common way to raise funds with a school dance is by selling tickets. With CauseVox’s easy event ticketing feature, you can take all the stress out of selling tickets for a school dance. For more information about how to plan your next ticketed event with CauseVox, check out this article

In addition to selling tickets, you can also raise funds by selling concessions during the dance. The students will need refreshments to cool off after all that dancing. By charging a small sum for sodas and snacks, you can add to your fundraising potential. Every little bit helps!

Finally, if you are looking for a way to supercharge your next school dance and raise even more, consider hosting a dance marathon. For more details about how to run a successful marathon-type fundraiser, check out the third idea on this list. 

How to Get Started

You may already have a school dance on the books. If you do, you’re already ahead of the game. Begin your planning by starting a fundraising page to collect ticket sales and donations. This site will also be your primary method of getting information about the event out to students. 

24. Facebook Fundraisers

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 1

Did you know that qualifying nonprofits and schools can solicit donations through the world’s largest social media site? It’s true! With Facebook’s charitable giving tools, you can raise money with a series of low stress online fundraisers.

The best part about Facebook’s charitable giving feature is that it allows anyone to raise money for their nonprofit or school of choice. This means that you can have donors, teachers, and students fundraise on your behalf. You could coordinate these efforts over the course of a single day or week or ask your fundraisers to set up their fundraisers on holidays or birthdays. 

Facebook fundraisers are particularly well-suited to schools due to the popularity of social media with young people. In addition, unlike other nonprofits, donor retention may not be as important to you if you are fundraising through students who will eventually leave the school. Use a Facebook fundraiser to bring in donations from their communities while you can.

Maximize your revenue by adding Facebook fundraising to any of the online fundraiser ideas for schools on this list.

How to Get Started

You will need to begin by applying for Facebook’s charitable giving tools. The application is a breeze and you will be fundraising in no time. Make sure that you have a Facebook page set up for your school so that donors can learn more about how you serve the community. This will help build trust and bring in donations.

25. Shoe Drive

Cost: 1

Difficulty: 2

Every parent knows that kids outgrow their shoes quickly. The parents of your students would probably love to donate the shoes that their children no longer wear, but finding a place to donate can be a hassle. You can give them this opportunity while raising funds with a shoe drive.

Have students, parents, and community members bring in shoes that they no longer wear to donate to the school. You can then convert these donations to revenue through an online service that partners with entrepreneurs like Funds2Orgs

Not only does this fundraiser give you the unique opportunity to raise funds without asking for money, but it also teaches students an important lesson about sustainability and reusing goods. 

How to Get Started

After you spread the word about the shoe drive fundraiser to your community, set up boxes for donations in classrooms around the school. For added fun, you can have each class decorate their box. 

Planning Your School Fundraiser 

Schools today have a broad toolbox of fundraising options at their disposal. By considering your school culture, as well as the community that is engaged with your school (parents, business sponsors, local churches, PTOs, etc.), you can select the online fundraiser ideas for schools that will work best for you.

Most fundraisers, whether traditional or online, can be mixed with a crowdfunding campaign to provide you with even stronger results, as well as increased visibility within your community and in the world.

Check our more virtual fundraising ideas you can use to fundraise for your school here.

Run Your School Fundraising Idea On CauseVox

Need to get your school fundraising idea up and running with less stress?

CauseVox helps you raise more with less effort, making it easy for you to launch online fundraiser ideas for schools. With easy-to-use donation pages, crowdfunding campaigns, or peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns, you can get started with fundraising online for your school in no time.

Book a 1-1 Demo with our team to chat about how CauseVox can help you raise more through your virtual fundraising event.

This post was originally published in August of 2016 and was updated in January of 2023.