15 Fundraising Video Ideas to Boost Engagement with your Audience

We believe that storytelling is the force behind successful fundraising, and at CauseVox, we see the impact of that power every day. With an optimized fundraising video, you can share your story with a wide audience.

Videos allow you to combine your dynamic story with emotion to create a connection with your audience that words and photos cannot build. At CauseVox, we believe that stories can transform the world. Organizations can convey impact in a way that engages and inspires donors by persistently telling stories.

Through storytelling, nonprofit organizations can harness the power of emotion to make a connection with donors that inspires action, and videos allow you to bring this story to life in a way that words or even pictures can’t mirror.

Check out the best practices and example videos below to learn how you can leverage video storytelling to raise more for your nonprofit.

(For more inspiration, check out our comprehensive post of over 200 fundraising ideas.)

Fundraising Video Best Practices

Best Practices For Using Video As a Fundraising Tool

  • Use The Tools You Have  (Phone Cameras Are Fine!)
    When filming a fundraising video, don’t get bogged down in the technical details. Camera equipment is expensive and can be difficult to learn how to use, so just use the technology you have on hand. Phone cameras are so advanced nowadays that you can film a professional grade fundraising video with your phone camera.
  • Think About Lighting
    Lighting is crucial for your videos so your audience can see the content properly. If possible, use a natural light source by filming outdoors or by a window. Good lighting will make your video look professional and in turn, inspire trust in your audience.
  • Write A Script
    This seems like a simple step, but it’s surprising how many people think they can wing it when it comes to fundraising videos. A script can help prevent rambling, which will make your audience lose focus. Write a script before filming to keep you on track.
  • Use Graphics
    Most video editing softwares will let you insert graphics into your fundraising video. Graphics will help illustrate your talking points and improve the clarity of your message for your viewer.

Structuring Your Fundraising Video Script

  • Focus On The Why – Who Are You Helping?
    When writing a script for a fundraising video, it helps to put yourself in the donor’s shoes. They support your organization because they want to make a difference for someone or something. Your video script should reflect that by highlighting the beneficiaries of your organization rather than the staff or board.
  • Communicate The Problem – What Is The Need?
    By focusing your video script on the beneficiary, you then have the opportunity to illustrate the need or problem that your nonprofit addresses. This need should be clearly and prominently explained in your fundraising video.
  • Be Transparent – How Will You Use The Funds?
    Donors are far more likely to give to an organization that they believe will use their donation wisely. In your fundraising video, you can inspire donor trust by explaining exactly how you will use the funds from donations.
  • Be Heartfelt – Why Should They Give?
    If you’re volunteering or working at a nonprofit, chances are you have a passion for the mission of the organization. Tap into that passion to write a heartfelt speech, appealing to the emotions of your donors.

Editing Best Practices

  • Add Music To Your Fundraising Video
    Music can be a great way to increase engagement with your video. You can add music between speeches or have a tune playing in the background throughout the video. Just make sure you are using copyright free music.
  • Emphasize A Call To Action
    When you’re editing, always keep your call to action front and center in your mind. Ask yourself how you can emphasize it with text, images, music, and video content. Your call to action should be clear to every viewer.
  • Videos Should Be Short And Sweet
    The longer the video, the less likely your viewer will be to watch the whole thing, so make sure to cut out any unnecessary clips when you’re editing. To keep engagement high, aim for two to five minutes for your fundraising video.

Types Of Fundraising Videos

  • Story and Mission Video
    This type of fundraising video is designed to introduce viewers to your organization. The video should include a compelling story from one of your beneficiaries as well as your mission statement.
  • Call-to-Action Video
    If you want your community to make a donation, sign up for an event, or take another specific action, consider a call-to-action video. In this type of fundraising video, you should make the ask and provide any helpful information about the event or initiative.
  • Thank You Video
    Thank you videos are a great tool following an event or fundraising drive. Use this type of video to reach out to your community with a heartfelt thank you from staff, the board, or one of your beneficiaries.
  • Extended Client Testimonial Video
    In this type of video, you will interview and record a beneficiary sharing their story and how your organization helped them. You can afford to make it a bit longer than the guideline above (2-5 minutes) since you want to give them the freedom to explain the impact of your organization on their life.

15 Nonprofit Video Storytelling Examples

1. UNICEF “for every child” video

UNICEF made this compelling video to explain the impact of their global program.

2. Project Renewal’s Gala Video

Project Renewal, a nonprofit that raised over $80,000 on CauseVox, shared how their program had changed the lives of individuals experiencing homelessness with this video at their 2022 gala.

3. Neverthirst’s Water is Life Project

Using CauseVox, Neverthirst raised almost $220,000 to provide clean water for 300,000 people in 87 villages. In this video about their work worldwide, Neverthirst clearly articulates their ministry model, the impact the ministry makes on individuals, and a specific call to action.

4. Dressember’s Wear A Dress In December Campaign

This story video shares the history and mission of Dressember for viewers who may not be familiar with the organization.

5. charity: water’s Stream For Clean Campaign

This engaging short video from charity: water encourages gamers and streamers to join their Stream For Clean fundraising campaign to support access to clean water in Zimbabwe.

6. Emmanuel House Documentary

This short film shares stories from individuals whose lives were changed by the services offered at Emmanuel House.

7. One Girl’s “Do it in a Dress” Campaign Video

One Girl made this Call to Action video to show their community how to get involved with their “Do it in a Dress” Campaign.

8. CSU College of Health and Human Sciences Thank You Video

CSU College of Health and Human Sciences recorded a video of their students thanking scholarship donors for their contributions.

9. Story Pirates’ Live Video

The team at Story Pirates filmed a video of one of their live performances so that their community could participate even if they couldn’t be at the event in person.

10. World Help’s “From the Field Ukraine” Call To Action Video

World Help, who have raised nearly $1 million on CauseVox, created this testimonial video from one of their Ukrainian beneficiaries, with a clear call to action for their donors at the end.

11. The Adventure Project’s “World Water Day” Fundraiser Thank You Video

The Adventure Project filmed a video where they showed their appreciation for one of their donors with a special surprise.

12. Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Call To Action Video

The team at Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights set the context for their fundraising campaign on CauseVox with this video inspiring their community to take action.

13. Northwest Hope and Healing’s Informational Video

This video shows how Northwest Hope and Healing’s program supports women with breast and gynecologic cancers.

14. Well Aware “Shower Strike” Video

The team at Well Aware created a testimonial video from one of their beneficiaries to encourage donations for their Shower Strike campaign.

15. Women Who Rock – Sizzle Video

The team at Women Who Rock created a short sizzle video from a benefit concert to engage any supporters who were not able to attend.

Here at CauseVox, we believe that the most powerful stories inspire some kind of action. Videos allow you to bring your fundraising story to life, and influence your audience in an emotional way that words and photos can’t imitate.

We think it is so valuable that we did the first steps for you. Read our beginner’s guide and begin creating engaging video content for your organization.

This post was updated in September 2022 for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.