7 CauseVox Platform Updates That Will Help You Raise More Online in 2018

You’ve worked hard and put forth your best effort to end 2017 on a high note. Now, it’s time to relax and rejuvenate before the springtime fundraising push, right? Not quite.

Fellow fundraiser, now is the perfect time to put forth a robust fundraising plan for the upcoming year. So start on that fundraising calendar, create a financial plan, delegate tasks, and get everything in place, to begin 2018 on a strong note.

As you craft your plan for the year, consider how you’ll be incorporating online fundraising. After all, it’s a growing trend that’s expected to continue increasing year over year. Naturally, many of your donors are going to expect a chance to give (and engage) online.

Whether you’ve never fundraised online, only dabble now and then, or you’ve put all your eggs in the online fundraising basket, we want to help you succeed and meet your online fundraising goals. That’s why CauseVox has made some significant platform updates designed to help you raise more online in 2018.

Here are the updates you need to know about before you begin your fundraising efforts this year.

Here are the updates you need to know about before you begin your fundraising efforts this year.” tweet this

1. Donation Pages

As a nonprofit or charity, maintaining a permanent online place for donors to give isn’t just encouraged, it’s essential. Your donors require a brand-specific, static site to give to your cause.

Cue CauseVox Everyday Donation Pages, a fundraising tool designed to capture the everyday donation as well as campaign-related gifts that come in throughout the year. We developed Everyday Donation Pages with ease in mind. In a matter of minutes, you can set up your own branded donation page (logo and color scheme included) and go live.

We handle the technical aspect. You collect the donations and the data. It couldn’t be easier.platform updates

These are just a few of the ways you can use donation pages for your online fundraising:

  • Collect everyday donations
  • Create campaign-specific pages
  • Recruit donors for your recurring giving program
  • Link to your donation page in emails and on social media
  • Establish specific donation pages for a variety of donor segments
  • Promote and collect fees/donations for nonprofit events
  • Engage local businesses and partners with a custom donation page

Get started with CauseVox Everyday Donation Pages for free and pay a nominal 2% transaction fee.

2. Recurring Donation Pages

We can’t say enough about recurring giving.

It brings in a steady income. It keeps your donors engaged. Your organization remains top-of-mind. It’s the ideal way to promote donor engagement and thus, retention.

That’s why we’ve added recurring giving options directly on the donation pages. Do you want to give every donor the opportunity to give monthly? You can do that. Are you looking for an easy way to track your monthly donors and donations? We handle that for you.

platform updates

Adding a recurring giving option to the donation form helps you build your recurring donor base and ensure a constant flow of incoming funds throughout the year.

Follow this link to learn more about launching a recurring giving campaign using CauseVox.

3. An Enhanced Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser Experience

By making some minor changes, we’ve enhanced the platform to meet the needs of your personal fundraisers.

Team-based campaigns are now more accessible to manage using your Dashboard. Personal fundraiser team leaders can create a new team and track team progress directly on their team page. It’s easy (and entirely intuitive). Plus, personal fundraisers can now invite their friends and family to join their own team.

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Personal Fundraiser Page

At the same time, individual peer-to-peer fundraisers also experience a number of enhancements, including an improved interface, easy sharing options, and a user-friendly blog feature.

4. Custom Fields

We completely understand that the needs of your organization are vastly different than others in the field. That’s why custom fields are necessary.

While pre-populated, default fields are perfectly acceptable to some donors, you may be looking for something a little more custom. That’s why we’ve added custom field options on the donation form. Now, you can collect the information YOU need.


Capture event-specific information. Ask donors to note their preferred T-shirt size. Custom fields help you capture whatever info you need to run your campaign or event.

5. Zapier and Google Analytics Integration

As your online presence increases, so do the number of tools you need to use to reach your audience and manage your donor base. Keeping it all straight is overwhelming, to say the least.

To help streamline your online tools, we’ve integrated Zapier and Google Analytics directly onto the CauseVox platform. With the click of a button, you can seamlessly connect your CauseVox page to any number of fundraising tools from Quickbooks and Eventbrite to MailChimp, Constant Contact, and more.

The Zapier and Google Analytics integrations allows you to track your communications, websites, and donation pages in one place.

Learn more about these integrations and how they improve the donor experience here.

6. Better Team Fundraising

We mentioned team fundraising above, but it bears repeating. You see, many fundraising tools don’t accommodate teams but we’ve found a way to add team fundraising capabilities without taking away from the personal fundraiser experience.

When you use CauseVox in 2018 for a team fundraiser, it’s easier than ever to create a team, join one, or invite your friends and family to come along for the ride and try out fundraising for themselves.

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Team Fundraising Page

More fundraisers = more exposure= more donations.

7. Comprehensive Assistance

You’re dealing with a lot. Fundraising. Friendraising. Planning, Implementing. Keeping your energy high while dealing with a limited budget and a finite amount of time to get everything done.

We’re here to help you reach your fundraising goals—let us ease your burden.

CauseVox offers our partners services to help remove some of the “behind the scenes” technical work. When you work with us, you don’t just get a tool. We integrate powerful technology, industry-leading best practices, and experienced support to guide you to success. Whether it’s increased security, PCI compliance, SSL, smart optimization, an intuitive and responsive design, or an optimal donor experience, CauseVox is here to help you.

But that’s not all. CauseVox is dedicated to your success. After all, when you succeed, we all do.

That’s why we’re investing in more educational resources and tools to help guide your fundraising efforts, expand your reach, and improve your results. Every week, we’re adding more content to our educational library. Throughout the coming year, be on the lookout for live trainings, online courses, online fundraising guides, and new, relevant best practice articles.

We’re also continuing to ramp up our customer service efforts by offering more hands-on support to you—our customer. Amazing customer service from experienced fundraisers comes with every account. This includes additional help articles and other support documentation, access to customer service chats and email, and more. Plus, if you’re using a Standard plan or above, you still have unlimited access to your dedicated Success Manager.


There you have it. You have the tools. You have the knowledge. It’s time to put it all together and start 2018 off on the right foot.

Thousands of nonprofits use CauseVox’s community-driven fundraising platform to active their supporters, reach new donors, and raise more online. Join them in 2018 by creating your free CauseVox account today.

“You have the tools. You have the knowledge. It’s time to put it all together and start 2018 off on the right foot. tweet this