Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg


The Trinity Grace Church-Williamsburg met their campaign goal in 40 days by collecting over $100,000 to help cover startup costs for their newly merged church. The church congregation reached out to their vast networks of friends and family through peer-to-peer fundraising to raise the much-needed funds.


Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg is a non-denominational church in North Brooklyn that works for the good of the community. The church is viewed as a parish- a geographical area of spiritual responsibility. The newly-formed church resulted from a merger of two different church congregations in the neighborhood.

The Challenge

After deciding to merge two existing churches into one, the leadership team at Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg crunched the numbers to determine exactly how much they needed to fundraise in order to stay in operation because, at the time, they did not have enough money to be self-sustaining.

One of the hardest aspects of raising the funds was the fact that most of the church’s current membership had been asked for donations. They needed a wider audience than just the congregation and, with little experience in fundraising or social media, they turned to crowdfunding.

How CauseVox Helped

The CauseVox platform helped Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg in numerous ways. First, the church was able to maintain a central campaign website that featured consistent branding so that donors felt comfortable contributing to the site.

Church leaders then urged their community to create their own personal fundraising pages, sharing a video to instruct them how to do it. Church members then took ownership of their personal fundraising pages through the CauseVox platform and shared their pages with their friends and family, causing a ripple effect in both the reach of their campaign and donations!

Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg used a bit of storytelling savvy to create videos that were featured on the blog feature on the campaign site. These videos highlighted the personal transformations of three current church members, sharing the purpose of their campaign and the impact that the donations help create.

With CauseVox, a grassroots mission to plant a church became an organized, successful fundraising campaign, and they were able to build an online presence with the help of the platform.

Their Results

Trinity Grace Church Williamsburg began their campaign by asking current congregations to consider a donation. Then, they asked donors to create their own personal fundraising pages to support the church. They knew that they needed an army of people in order to reach the lofty $100,000 goal.

The Church reached their goal within 40 days and had so much to celebrate when they opened their doors on Easter Sunday. Not only was the congregation thrilled that the goal was reached, but it was such a monumental accomplishment to have reached the goal together as a team.