Product Update: The All-New CauseVox Donation Form

A good donation form can do more than just take a donation. It can increase both your number of donors and the size of their donations. 

More than half of donors worldwide prefer to give online with a credit or debit card, so your online donation page can’t just be an afterthought.

And lately, recent trends show an even bigger push toward mobile payments. In fact, consider these statistics:

  • 54% of consumers have used a mobile wallet to make a payment.
  • This represents around a 40% growth in mobile payments year-over-year.
  • And out of all CauseVox mobile web traffic continues to grow each year.

How could we provide donors with a user experience that is convenient, easy and fast on small screens while people are on the go?

The new CauseVox donation page solves these problems and helps you convert more donations on your donation form.

This means more donations, more donor happiness, and more return on your marketing and fundraising efforts. 

With the new donation page, our customers will be able to raise more with less effort. You’ll now be able to experience: 

Enhanced Donation Form Interface

We know that nonprofit organizations need tools that can help them raise more with less effort. We heard those frustrations and updated our donation page so that the user interface offer your donors an experience they’ll love .

A good donation page inspires donors to give, connects fundraising to your mission and supports everyday giving and specific campaigns.

The best practices that make a nonprofit donation page work aren’t complicated or intimidating. With CauseVox, they don’t even require waiting on your IT person or becoming a tech wizard.

And with the additional enhancements that CauseVox has made to their donation page, you’ll experience less frustration and less clunk.

50% Reduction In Required Donation Steps = Less Frustration And Less Clunk


We’ve reduced the number of steps required to make a donation by 50%

While previously donors took 4 steps to complete their donation, we’ve now reduced it to a streamlined 2-step process.

The new 2-step donation process makes it easier for donors to complete their donation quickly, increasing your conversion rates and helping you raise more online.

One-Time and Monthly Recurring Selectors


One-time and monthly donation selectors are larger and more visible so that donors can opt-in to make a recurring donation easier. 

Plus, you can default recurring giving, or even make recurring giving mandatory to run recurring-driven campaigns and donation pages.

Recurring giving increases the donor’s lifetime value, which is tracked in our Fundraising CRM.

Enhanced Peer-to-Peer Donation Assignment


For peer-to-peer fundraising, donors have a more visible way to see who their donation is being assigned to as well as make any changes they’d like.

With the new easy selector, donors will be sure their donations are attributed to their friend or family member, helping them complete their donation with confidence.

Faster Performance With 3x Donation Page Loading Speed 

Once someone goes to donate on your campaign or website, your donors can either be provided with an inspiring and joyful experience, or it can frustrate them. Their experience directly relates to whether or not they give, or keep giving. 

The bottom line? Slow donation pages provide a poor experience.

No donor wants to wait around for your donation page to load, so the speed at which it loads can have a big impact on your revenue, positively or negatively.

Because we know faster-performing pages make a difference in improving your donor’s giving experience, we completely refactored our donation form engine for speed.

Now, donation forms load 3x faster than they used to.

Even before the donor selects the “donate” button, we pre-load your donation page on your campaign site, so the donation page loads instantaneously. No more waiting.

Plus, we’ve optimized our layout for mobile and desktop browsers and enhanced the page to include smoother animations, making your donors’ experience a delight.

Optional Postal Code

To help decrease the number of fields your donors need to fill out, we’ve now made collecting the postal address of your donors optional!

Without the postal address, your donors have to fill out 46% less fields to complete their donation, further decreasing the time it takes to make a donation and increasing conversions.

Here’s a look at the donation with the postal code enabled:


Here’s a look at the donation form with the postal address disabled:


To make it easier for your donors to give, here’s how you can disable the postal address on the donation form. With less friction, you’ll see more donations completed.

Additional Embed Options

With the new donation page, you have three options of embedding.

With the Unstyled Link, you can always link your donation page as a standard web link. The Styled Button, lets you use a pre-made clickable button that you can add to any webpage.

With the Embedded Form, donation pages can also be displayed fully as a secure form on any webpage too.

Apple Pay and Google Pay Mobile Payments

We’re excited to announce that now donors can use Google Pay and Apple Pay in order to complete their donation in seconds.

Instead of digging out their credit card, a donor can use their mobile wallet on their phone or computers.

For example, if a donor is using Safari on their phone, they’re automatically prompted to pay with ApplePay, helping your donors complete their donation using their preferred method.

Making a donation online has never been easier.

Fraud Detection Algorithm

Across the internet, unfortunately, there’s been an increased number of security breaches, leaving many people’s credit cards vulnerable.

With this, we saw an increase of stolen cards being tested through organization’s campaigns, leaving organizations liable for fraudulent charges.

So, we also implemented a new fraudulent transaction detection feature with an active prevention algorithm that detects fraudulent users and blocks them.

You can be sure that your organization always collects real donations, and you can fundraise with confidence. This works automatically behind the scenes for all donations.

What’s Next For Your Donation Page?

Now that these enhancements are live, you’ll be able to take advantage of them and increase your donations to meet your fundraising goals.

In addition, we’re working on making these additional updates, which we hope to have live very soon:

  • You will be able to embed donation forms directly on your website, no pop-up required. (Released!)
  • You’ll no longer be required to enter a description for your donation tiers.
  • You’ll soon have the ability to add additional content to the donation form to help drive donations.
  • Smart conversion for abandoned donation forms, so your donor’s information will be saved for when they return to complete a donation.

Raise More With Less Effort With CauseVox Donation Pages

Looking to make your donation process convenient, easy, and fast on any device?

Learn more about how you can use CauseVox donation pages to raise more for your organization.

Or, to learn more about this donation page update, view our recorded webinar of the new donation pages.

We look forward to releasing even more features and content that can help you make the most of CauseVox. We’ll keep you updated on everything with our Product Updates!

Questions? Contact us at