[Product Update] Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Simply Runs Better With CauseVox

The world you’re fundraising in has fundamentally shifted.

Our hyper-connected world has bridged geographical and socio cultural divides to empower like-minded people to unite, connect, and rally around causes they deeply care about.

However, it has brought with it an exhaustive demand on your supporters attention. Reaching new donors with your message has become nearly impossible due to the constant noise, tweets, pings, and breaking news. And budgets continue to get cut, leaving you to wear many hats and manage an unrealistic workload.

So, what can you do? Business as usual is not an option.

We’ve been there. And that’s exactly why we’ve developed a fundraising methodology that is designed to guide you in today’s connected world: People Fundraising.

The foundation is built by activating your key supporters to leverage their personal influence on friends, family, and community through their own personal fundraising page.

We’ve spent the last few months improving CauseVox’s peer-to-peer fundraising tools to help you empower your supporters to easily create personal fundraising pages, share and promote them with friends and family, and raise more for your cause.

Interested in seeing a live demo? You can request a 1-on-1 demo here and explore how you can tap into the power of peer-to-peer fundraising.

Here’s how it works.

peer-to-peer fundraising page live demo gif

1) Write Your Fundraising Appeal

We know that storytelling powers fundraising, so we’ve enhanced the setup to include a space for your fundraisers to craft their story before their page goes online!

You can still set up a default fundraiser appeal to guide them, adding the fundraising appeal section gives the fundraiser the opportunity to make the next step to customize their page and take ownership of their fundraising appeal!

2) Share

When a fundraiser has created their own personal fundraising page, they’re pretty excited to start fundraising on your behalf and put the page out there.

In light of this, we added sharing as the last step in the fundraising page setup process, giving them the opportunity from the get go to promote their page to their family and friends as soon as their page goes live!

Our quick sharing options include:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Facebook Messenger*
  • Linkedin*
  • Tumbler*
  • Google+*

*new sharing option

With the addition of the sharing page during the setup process, your fundraisers can quickly post on social media and expand your campaign’s reach.

3) Mobile Optimization

While our campaign sites, fundraising pages, and fundraiser signup has been optimized for mobile for quite some time, we’ve now updated our fundraiser interface to be mobile optimized as well!

Now, fundraisers can login to their account on any device to make changes to their appeal, update their fundraising page details, write blog posts, and share their page using our quick sharing tools.

With over 50% of activity happening on mobile devices, this added optimization feature is bound to drive additional fundraiser engagement!

4) Enhanced Fundraiser Progress

screenshot of fundraiser progress on fundraising page

In an effort to direct fundraiser’s attention increasingly towards their progress, we’ve dedicated a larger space and larger text to the fundraiser’s progress, with quick and easy sharing tools (including the new Facebook Messenger, Google+, and Email sharing options!) to help inspire them to share their page more.

5) Improved Activity Feed

activity feed screenshot

The improved fundraiser activity feed inspires fundraisers to not just focus on donations coming into their page, but engage with campaign activity as a whole.

Campaign activities include:

  • Recent fundraiser signups
  • Recent Donations
  • Blogs posted by other fundraisers or the admin

By encouraging engagement with others and showcasing campaign activity, the campaign comes alive to fundraisers and can inspire them to engage with other’s content and even create their own.

6) Easier Campaign Profile Navigation

Campaign profile navigation

Our streamlined navigation makes it easier than ever for fundraisers to edit their page, update their appeal, write blog posts, share on social media, explore other fundraising pages, and navigate back to the main campaign!

This updated navigation encourages fundraisers to learn more, participate, and become invested in the campaign!

Want to see more?

We’re excited to introduce these new features as an update to functionality and enhance peer-to-peer fundraising for all our users. If you’d like to see more and explore how you could use this in your own fundraising, schedule a 1-on-1 demo here.

Interested in seeing a live demo? You can request a 1-on-1 demo here and explore how you can tap into the power of peer-to-peer fundraising.