On-The-Ground Organizations You Can Support For Equality & Needs In Minneapolis

On May 25, 2020 George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer, watched by three additional police officers. In the time that has followed, Minneapolis and the surrounding cities have been the site of protests, riots, looting, violence, increased police presence, and massive chaos. Minnesotans are standing up and saying that they will not tolerate police brutality and racism.

As a Minnesotan, it’s painful to see my community in turmoil. It’s painful to see communities of color taking the brunt of the destruction. It’s painful to see widespread military presence. Most of all, it’s painful to see the ways that our system has failed its citizens of color for years and years.

But Minnesotans of all backgrounds have refused to let this happen without a response. We can and must do better.

We have rallied around local organizations led by communities of color. These organizations are on the ground, providing food, medical supplies, and resources, advocating for systemic change, and supporting local protestors. 

If you want to support the current efforts in Minneapolis, and remember the name of George Floyd, take a look at these local nonprofits. 

1. Black Visions Collective

Black Visions Collective is a local organization that prioritizes ALL black lives. They describe their mission as: “Black Visions Collective (BLVC) believes in a future where all Black people have autonomy, safety is community-led, and we are in right relationship within our ecosystems.”

Currently, they are providing food and mutual aid, advocating for police reform, organizing protests, and working to build strong black communities in Minnesota. 

You can learn more about their work or make a donation at their website, or stay up to date on current efforts (including petitions) on their Instagram.

2. Unicorn Riot

Unicorn Riot is a non-profit media organization that is providing daily coverage of the protests on the ground. Their live-streams have been invaluable for local residents trying to understand what is happening. 

Support independent and local journalism on their website, or visit their Facebook to see live-stream coverage of what is happening.

3. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Over the weekend, I spent hours at Holy Trinity organizing and dispensing food and supplies to the local community. Because of the violence and destruction, many neighborhoods are without power, grocery stores, water, and other resources. Holy Trinity has been a hub of supplies, safety, and medical support.

Image from Timothy Foss, more Belief. Copyright Collegeville Institute, 2019.

Their Facebook page is the best place to get up to date information.

4. Reclaim the Block

Reclaim the Block has been working since 2018 to promote community-led safety initiatives and reduce reliance on police departments. In the last weeks, they have hosted meetings to support arrested protestors, advocated to defund the police, and provided vital information to those on the front lines.

For supporters looking to put money towards long-term solutions that will defund police and invest in affordable housing, accessible mental health services, community violence prevention, and youth services, Reclaim the Block’s website is your best place to start.

5. Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha (CTUL)

CTUL is serving as a hub for food, masks, and supplies for locals. They have helped to organize protests, and organized pressure on local government. They have also provided resources for workers in the face of the curfew.

Check out their efforts on their website.

6. Mobile Outreach and Outdoor Drop-in (MOODI)

MOODI is a project of the Cultural Wellness Center that is providing resources for homeless individuals in the area. With curfew in place, those without a place to go at night are in heightened danger. MOODI is providing health services and a safe place.

Learn more here.

7. Lake Street Council

Lake Street is at the center of most of the protests and riots that have happened in Minneapolis. Businesses along the street have sustained major damage including fire, broken windows, and looting. The Lake Street Council is raising funds to help rebuild the area, which is a diverse community of businesses and neighborhoods. 

Support their efforts here.

Additional Resources

Many local businesses are also fundraising to rebuild. Local organizers have compiled multiple large lists of places to donate to support efforts to help Minneapolis recover. If you haven’t found a cause that speaks to you on this list, there’s sure to be something.

Are You In Minneapolis And Need To Fundraise?

You can use CauseVox for free to run your donation pages, crowdfunding, peer-to-peer fundraising and more.

To show our support, CauseVox is offering any Minneapolis-based nonprofit a 1-year license to use under our Standard Plan. Interested in claiming your free year of fundraising? Fill out the form below:

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Black Lives Matter. Let’s all step up and show that we’re going to do something about it.