Setting Up A Campaign Site For GivingTuesday

In 2022, nonprofits raised nearly $3.1 billion across various platforms for GivingTuesday! With the numbers getting bigger and bigger each year, the bar is set for another huge GivingTuesday in 2023.

We understand that a big contributor to a successful GivingTuesday is your fundraising campaign site. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to prepare for November 28, and then execute a solid campaign.

Download your Year-End & GivingTuesday Fundraising Toolkit:

It may seem like you don’t need to do much to create a site for a 24-hour fundraising campaign, but don’t be so quick to push it down on the priority list. Many organizations start fundraising before GivingTuesday, either around Thanksgiving, or even as early as late October; others incorporate GivingTuesday into their year-end fundraising campaign. Even once you’ve reached your GivingTuesday-specific goals, you can keep things going through December 31. More and more organizations are using GivingTuesday as a booster shot to their holiday or year-end appeals to mix things up and reach broader audiences.

No matter how you approach this campaign, you can’t spend all of your time and effort on marketing and communications, fundraising events, and partnerships, and then hope people are able to find the donate button on the morning of November 28. The last thing you want is for potential donors to not be able to clearly and quickly find out about your cause, the impact you’re trying to make, and how to give.

Pro Tip: Check out our GivingTuesday Ideas and Best Practices guide here.

Make It Match

While you may have a sub-theme for GivingTuesday and some newly designed elements to go with your campaign, it’s important that your fundraising site still generally complements your organization’s brand, and perhaps the aesthetic of your main website. When you set up a campaign site on CauseVox, we make it easy for you to:

  • Select colors and fonts that match your organization’s site and style
  • Insert logos and images for a cohesive look
  • Create your custom URL or host on our site

Your Content, Your Way

Part of a great GivingTuesday campaign is great storytelling. Nonprofit storytelling is one of the biggest things we push for here at CauseVox, because we know that more than ever, people want to feel connected to a cause, and they want to know more than just numbers and factoids. So as with other fundraising campaigns, it’s a must to create and share content that will highlight your GivingTuesday story in a way that compels donations. Consider including on your site:

  • Videos and photos to help narrate your story and that of the people you impact (mixed media is everything – how will you stand out?)
  • Regular blog posts to update people before, during, and after the big day (feed those dedicated supporters!)
  • Use the impact metric to clearly define what each person’s gift will support
The Council For Exceptional Children clearly displays how each donation creates an impact.

Easy Admin

No one wants to deal with a complicated website when they could be focusing on telling more stories and bringing in more donations, especially for a one-day giving campaign. So why make it hard when it can be easy? It literally takes just a few minutes to get a fundraising site up and running on CauseVox, and the same goes for GivingTuesday. Heck, you could start it now, and take your time perfecting it between now and November 28.

  • Stay informed about campaign activity with daily email updates.
  • Donation reports and email notifications are a breeze (you will want to know your numbers ASAP, like November 27)
  • Easily input offline donations (yes, people will still call or drop off cash and checks on November 28!) & add to your progress bar, and no special mobile setup needed

Social Strategy

Okay, we know that social media is a HUGE element of GivingTuesday. Our 2023 Giving Study found that 76% of the younger generation was influenced to give because of social media and advertising. So your site needs to make it easy for your donors and supporters to share your cause widely with their networks.

Use our social media integration and donate buttons on your other websites, and determine if personal and/or team fundraising is appropriate for your campaign. In other words, make it extremely easy for people to let the world know that they gave to your cause on GivingTuesday.

Videos are great storytelling tools and provide an easy way for others to share your campaign.

You also need to make it very easy to give online. Once again, the younger generation prefers frictionless online giving like mobile wallets, and this is important to note because our survey found that 50% of Gen Z said they were keen to increase their donations this GivingTuesday as opposed to only 16% of Boomers. The younger generation is incredibly generous, so utilize the platforms and payment methods they are on!

Raise More With Less Effort on GivingTuesday

Don’t let clunky technology keep you from reaching your GivingTuesday fundraising goals.

You can create a GivingTuesday campaign that you and your donors will love, helping you raise more with less stress and frustration.

Plus, you’ll save tons of time on administrative tasks and data management, so you have more time to invest in your fundraising strategy.

Create Your Free GivingTuesday Campaign on CauseVox