How Daniel Perrett Raised $20,000 For Chab Dai

Who are you and what is your campaign?

As a recent McGill university graduate I came up with the crazy idea ride my bicycle from Montreal to Vancouver–thats about 5000 km/3000 miles.

Over the past year I have been exposed to the reality of human trafficking in Canada and I decided that I wanted to ride for an organization working to end modern slavery. So when I learned that Chab Dai, a global anti-trafficking organization, needed funds to create a database of all the Canadian organizations fighting human trafficking I knew that I had found a reason to ride.

Why did you choose CauseVox?

As I browsed through the different crowdfunding campaigns, CauseVox caught my eye. They offered excellent prices and a proven hosting platform that seamlessly integrated online donations into the domain name of my choice. I was also pleased with the helpful customer support that they offered.

What lessons have you learned from running this CauseVox campaign?


I learned a lot about crowdfunding over the course of my ride:

  1. Donors need to know where their money is going–clarity and integrity are key
  2. The campaign will gain momentum if your friends share it on social media
  3. Potential donors want to see progress–in my case, regular donations updates and stories from my ride

What are your hopes that the funding will do? How can people help?

Thanks to the incredible generosity of donors around the world, we more than doubled our initial donations target and raised $22,000! All of the money has gone to Chab Dai for the creation of the Canadian Freedom Registry, which will be launched this December.

If you are interested in supporting Chab Dai and learning more about the Freedom Registry you can follow this link.