5 Things You’ll Get Out Of The 3rd Annual Digital Fundraising Summit On 8/25-26

Register here for the Digital Fundraising Summit and join us on August 25-26 to learn from 23+ top thought-leaders in digital marketing and fundraising.

Are You Wondering How To Super Power Your Fundraising For The Second Half Of 2020? 


The Digital Fundraising Summit is the absolutely-amazing-and-awesome nonprofit virtual conference to help you learn how to raise more with less effort. 

This year, fundraising has shifted to digital-first, and fundraisers and marketers alike have had to rapidly adapt how we fundraise. The digital landscape has shifted in a major way almost overnight, and nonprofits are facing unseen challenges.

The Digital Fundraising Summit Is Designed To Help You Succeed In Your Transition To Digital + Virtual Fundraising

If you’re struggling to understand how to make this rapid shift, or if you just want your fundraising to get an extra boost, this is the conference for you. 

With two days full of absolutely amazing speakers (seriously, we cannot get over how many top folks in the industry we convinced to share their wisdom with us), you’ll walk away with dozens of strategies to power up for the end of 2020.

We’ve split all this wisdom into two days to help you focus on what you need to learn.

Here’s an overview of what you’ll learn over the course of two days:

Day 1: Digital Marketing for Nonprofits:

In the last six months, the landscape of nonprofit fundraising has changed completely: no in-person fundraising events (goodbye galas), no more meetings face to face, no more in-person walks and races. The sudden change has forced fundraisers to learn how to become digital fundraising experts, and fast.

What many fundraisers don’t realize yet is that it has also forced us to become marketers. It’s more important than ever for fundraisers to amp up their marketing skills and reach the right people online.

We’ll help you learn how with topics like:

  • How to Grow Your Social Media Audience with Ads
  • Become A Graphic Designer With Canva
  • Make Your Website Work For Your Community: UX Tips For Engagement
  • Cruise Control: 10 Practical Ways to Get More Done in Less Time 
  • More Than A Statement: Acting On Commitments To Equity In Fundraising And Beyond
  • Unlocking Generosity with Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Giving 
  • Wellness at Work: Why Self-Care At Nonprofits Matters More Than Ever 
  • Become A Graphic Designer With Canva 
  • Harnessing the Power of Live Streaming to Tell Your Nonprofit’s Stories 
  • Using SEO

Day 2: Digital Fundraising for Nonprofits

In a world that is socially distanced, traditional fundraising is not an option. We’ve had to move all our fundraising online, and that means every fundraiser is looking for ways to stand out. We’ve got the tools for you with topics like: 

  • Amplify Your Peer-to-Peer Success by Empowering Your Participants
  • Want to Run Better Virtual Events? Here’s What 1,000 Other Nonprofits are Doing to Succeed
  • 5 Ways To CRUSH Your Next Fundraising Campaign!
  • CauseVox Crash Course: How To Raise More With CauseVox 
  • Nonprofit Leader Panel: Navigating Digital Fundraising For 2020 + Beyond 
  • The Power of Donor Segmentation 
  • The Mystical Secret for Turning Free Content into Valuable Donors 
  • Donor Engagement in the Era of COVID-19 

We Have The Best Thought-Leaders In The Industry

If those topics aren’t enough to get you psyched, we have recruited the biggest experts around to make sure that the sessions are jam-packed with the best information. If you want to learn from industry powerhouses, look no further than Beth Kanter and Allison Fine. 

Beth has over 35 years working in the nonprofit sector in technology, training, and capacity building and has facilitated trainings for nonprofits on every continent in the world (except Antarctica). Allison is a pioneer in the use of digital technology for social good, writing one of the first books on the topic and helping to create an entirely new field of online activism. Combined, these two have changed the nonprofit landscape. And you can hear them talk about the next big thing: artificial intelligence in fundraising.

Maybe you feel like you need some serious help with your social media. Julia Campbell and Susu Wong are both digital marketers with years of experience. Julia wrote the book on digital storytelling: literally!

Plus, we’ve got some amazing speakers from our sponsors Bloomerang and Kindful. Steven Shattuck is the CEO of Bloomerang and curates sector-leading educational content: you’ll get to hear from him about donor engagement. Bradley Martin is the Sr. Director of Sales and Marketing at Kindful, which gives him the perfect background to share about donor segmentation.

Oh and on top of all of that, CauseVox’s fantastic educational team will be sharing more info about how you can use CauseVox to implement all of these great ideas.

Each Session Is Uniquely Tailored To Help You Fundraise Online In Today’s Context

As nonprofit fundraising has made a huge leap to digital, fundraisers are finding that they need new tools to become great digital marketers. Historically, many fundraisers have organized their year around specific projects at specific times. We’ve relied heavily on events that use in-person interactions to inspire giving. In short, we were “project-style” fundraisers.

Of course this year those in-person events and campaigns are suddenly unavailable to us. Auctions have become more challenging than ever as businesses struggle and can’t donate items. Galas and events are all cancelled. All of us are working to move our fundraising online, and “project-style” fundraising approaches don’t always translate when applied to raising funds digitally.

Each of the sessions at this Summit is carefully curated to fit the needs of a post-COVID world. Our experts have been reacting quickly to the changes in the landscape and they’ll share what they’ve learned to help you navigate into the future.

Get All The Benefits Of An In-Person Conference While Social-Distancing (On Your Couch)

We’re all missing out on a lot right now. In past years, you might have been going to conferences, taking classes, networking with friends, and expanding your knowledge by being in the community. We’re bringing those benefits to you while keeping everyone safely social distanced. Plus you don’t even have to put on pants! 

So. Much. Fun. 

Ok so your boss might care more about the big speakers and the brilliant lessons you’ll learn, but we know that you like to have some fun. We’ve mixed in plenty of social time and we’ll be providing you with all the tools you need to have a great time. We’ve got a mixology class, entertainment sessions, prizes and more, ALL included in registration. Who said learning had to be boring?


With this speaker list and all the bonuses, conferences like this can cost hundreds of dollars, if not thousands to attend. Which is why it’s even more wild that we’re offering you all of this for free. Access to every session, all the bonuses, and the great community is completely free. 

There’s literally no reason NOT to register.

Register Today

Register here today and join us on August 25-26 to learn from the top thought-leaders in digital marketing and fundraising.

Registration is FREE thanks to our amazing sponsors Kindful, Bloomerang, and Cathexis Partners. 

Interested in being a part of the summit? You can partner with us as a session speaker, promotional partner, discount partner, or core sponsor. For more info, ping us at support@causevox.com.
