Tips for Personal Appeals on Fundraising Pages

In peer-to-peer or supporter-driven fundraising, supporters are the key to raising funds and awareness. Online, we use fundraising pages to make this happen.

The supporter’s personal appeal on their fundraising page helps their friends and family to connect to the non-profit personally through the supporter.

Here are tips, written for supporters, to help them craft their personal appeal on their fundraising page.

1. State the purpose – Describe the campaign or non-profit clearly and note what action you want the reader to take.

2. Make it personal – Write to your personality and fill it with passion. Don’t make fundraising just about fundraising. Make it about being human.

3. Show your gratitude – Show people that you appreciate their support. Update this message with a big thank you at the end of the campaign, or thank donors personally.

4. Call to action – Tell people the one or two things you want them to do.

5. Be concise – Messages that are 175 to 225 words in length work the best.