The Adventure Project


The Adventure Project, or TAP, organized a one-day fundraising campaign called TypeTAP to coincide with World Water Day, to fund a well water mechanics program in India, run by WaterAid. They exceeded their goal of raising $10,000 in 24 hours, and in doing made full use of a 10K matching grant through a partner foundation.


The Adventure Project is a non-profit organization established to increase investments in positive social enterprises around the world. It was founded in November 2010 by Becky Straw and Jody Landers, who met while traveling through Liberia, West Africa. Since then, TAP has hired 889 people who are now serving over one million people with better food, water, health, and a cleaner environment.

Challenges / Problem

One-third of all water handpumps installed in the last twenty years in developing countries are now broken, and 4,000 children die every day because of lack of clean drinking water.

Instead of drilling new wells, TAP wanted to use its charitable gifts to train and employ handpump mechanics, which both improves water quality and saves lives, but also allows the mechanics to earn an income and rise out of poverty.

How CauseVox Helped

Peer-to-peer fundraising was a major driver of the campaign. TAP asked 150 bloggers from around the globe to mobilize their readers to take part in a Water Revolution. Many were constantly refreshing the fundraising page during the 24 hour campaign to watch the progress bar keep rising, and making gifts so they could comment on the wall. Instant feedback through online reporting kept momentum high throughout the day.

By breaking down the impact of gifts using CauseVox’s donation tiers – $20 would provide clean water to three people; $880 would pay to hire and train one mechanic – TAP was able to break down the need, and the difference donations would make in their project.

They also employed other fundraising tools such as customized donation receipts to inform donors their gifts would be tax-deductible.

Finally, having a matching partner – The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) – provided even more inspiration for would-be donors to get in on the campaign before the deadline at the end of the day, as their donation would have double the impact.

Their Results

By the end of the campaign, TypeTAP raised $12,525 in 24 hours through their personalized CauseVox fundraising site. By exceeding their goal, they also received an additional $11,390 matching grant from TPRF, for a total of over $23,915.