Online Donations by the Numbers

online fundraising growth

The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently released online donation data comparing 2011 to 2012, and the results are quite interesting.

In general, giving has increased!  Total gift value was up by 16.7 percent, and the total number of gifts was up 8.1%.  While many areas of the economy are still challenged, charitable giving is robust and is coming back, in a big way.

And for those who still doubt the spirit of the holiday season, the data show that the average gift size is roughly double in December what it is in other months of the year.

The data, broken down by day of the week, also reveals a surprising trend: giving is highest on weekdays.  Specifically, Monday.  (Perhaps when a person’s weekday misery is at its highest point, they’re motivated to give, out of deep sympathy for those in need?  Maybe not, but the finding would be fascinating to hear more about.)

In addition, the biggest gifts are given between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., and most gifts are given during this period, as well.

For charities, there are a few takeaways from this information:

  1. People are still giving, and giving generously.  Don’t give up on fundraising, even if your results thus far have been disheartening.
  2. Hang on until December, and make a fundraising push at the end of the year.  People are ready to support good causes (and are willing to donate) when the holiday spirit is in the air.
  3. Don’t ignore workdays.  While social media engagement and viral content tend to perform best during leisure hours, the above data show that donation volume is highest around, and after, lunch on weekdays.

That’s it!  We hope these tidbits are encouraging. View the full snazzy interactive report on online giving.

Now, who has a theory about why donations would be highest on Mondays?