8 Sample Nonprofit Facebook Post Ideas (with Examples)

At 1.65 billion (over 1/5 of the world’s population), Facebook has more monthly active users than any other social network. With such a large number of users, Facebook prevails as the king of social networks.

Therefore, creating great Facebook posts is a vital part of a successful social media campaign for nonprofits and social causes. Check out these 8 examples of powerful Facebook posts to learn how top nonprofits are using Facebook to engage their community, fundraise online, and find out how you can do the same to extend your reach in the social media space.

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1) Neverthirst’s “Mom, can you relate?” Facebook Post

In this emotional post, neverthirst uses a video to help moms in first world countries relate to moms in countries without clean access to water. Using the powerful language and images, Neverthirst effectively puts any moms viewing it in the shoes of women around the world who struggle to provide clean water for their families, and they successfully evoke a remarkable response from their audience: they received 15,000 video views on Facebook.

Each nonprofit has tales to tell. There are stories behind the founders, staff, and volunteers. These stories are powerful in showing the passion your organization has for the cause and serve as inspirations for others. Videos can make these stories come to life.

This may be why video is the fastest growing medium on Facebook. Each day, Facebook gets 8 billion video views from 500 million users! Next time you want a post to really hit home, consider using video to tell your story.

2) World Bicycle Relief’s Facebook Post Sharing Stories

In this compelling post by World Bicycle Relief, they make it a point to share stories of the lives that have been impacted by the bicycles they distribute. Not only do the stories work to make the impact of donors tangible, they also literally put a face behind their organization by including a photo.

Your nonprofit services a greater community that has a wealth of stories to tell, so ask them to share their story with you! These stories work to foster a sense of relationship between donors those receiving the donations.

“Your nonprofit services a greater community that has a wealth of stories to tell, so ask them to share their story with you! tweet this

However, don’t forget the impact of sharing your donor’s stories as well! These stories can effectively engage your community – after all, they are their own. Testimonials and interviews work well in these posts – but don’t forget to ask for permission to use them.

Whether you’re highlighting the people your organization serves or the donors themselves, don’t just tell the stories in text. Do it with pictures. Pictures increase engagement and generate 53% more likes and 104% more comments!

3) World Help’s Facebook Post Showcasing Their Impact

In this impact focused post by World Help, they choose to highlight how far they’ve come in a particular area of their work. Not do they provide detailed information about the level of impact made on Guatemala, they invite their audience to take ownership of the impact they made through their donations and celebrate with them.

Your community supports you because they believe you can make a difference. Show how you are making an impact by sharing stats like how many people you’ve helped, or how many items you were able to supply to the area you serve.

Better yet, share how your work has helped make people’s lives better in an unexpected way.  A picture says a thousand words, so don’t forget to show your impact with an actual picture of your work in action.

4) Footage Foundation’s Celebration Of Milestones

In this celebratory post, the Footage Foundation celebrates reaching 30% of their crowdfunding campaign goal as an encouragement to all their donors so far, while also showing that there’s still a need to be filled.

Your community doesn’t want to be treated like a piggy bank, being asked for donations left and right. By celebrating fundraising milestones in your Facebook posts, you are congratulating your community on making the journey with you and expressing gratefulness for how far you’ve come, even if you haven’t quite reached your ultimate goal.

Providing updates to your audience ultimately can encourage them to keep the momentum going for your campaign.

5) She’s The First’s Facebook Post Sharing Media Coverage

This post by She’s The First, connects with the audience not only because of the story of impact, but also because it’s a story featured in Glamour mag, a magazine likely to connect well with their audience of young women.

When you get the attention of the media, it’s a sign to your audience that you’ve been approved as an agent of change. It can be a mere mention, an interview, or an editorial. Getting media recognition of any sort is no small feat. Share such wins with your community.

Sharing posts of media recognition confirms to your authority and your impact to your community and reaffirm you’re worthy of their support.

6) Circle Of Health International’s Facebook Post Sharing Event Pictures

In the example above, Circle of Health International is at once drawing in the audience to raise awareness about their event and inviting them to take further action.

Since not everyone in your community can attend your event, you can include them virtually by sharing pictures of your events and giving them a platform to comment on the event. Additionally, offering a link to your next event, suggesting a volunteer activity, or linking your fundraising page can be a great way to encourage your audience to take action.

It can be helpful to thank your event volunteers and celebrate the success of the event (e.g. how much was raised at the event, how many people participated) in your photo descriptions, as well.

7) charity: water’s Facebook Post Tying Their Cause In With A Holiday

charity: water is fantastic at engaging with their community on Facebook, but what makes this post stand out is it’s effectiveness in tying their cause in with Father’s day. By featuring a father in their picture, calling the audience to action “in honor of” their dad, and positioning their donation as a way to help other fathers, they make themselves relevant to the whole community of those celebrating Father’s Day.

Are there any holidays or awareness days coming up that you can relate your cause to? Finding a way to tie your cause or campaign in with days of cultural importance makes your nonprofit understandable, relevant, and approachable to a broad audience while also helping drive shares and engagement.

8) National Domestic Violence Hotline’s Post Sharing Relevant News

In the post above, the National Domestic Violence Hotline shares content that overlaps with their mission, written by the Huffington Post.

Not all Facebook content has to be original content. Every day something is happening that’s relevant to what your organization does that deserves a wider audience. Your Facebook page can be that medium to share what’s happening in the community.

By sharing news relevant to your audience, you demonstrate your commitment to the community. News is a natural conversation starter; therefore, articles great for community engagement.

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These 8 powerful Facebook posts show what it means to take full advantage of Facebook’s features while also appealing to content that interests the Facebook community. By including multimedia elements, such as videos and pictures, you’re guaranteed to catch your audience’s eye. But, driving engagement on Facebook posts ultimately takes more than a pretty picture. Providing informative, emotional, and valuable content on your Facebook posts will help you better connect with your audience and inspire action.