New Guide: Finding Nonprofit Volunteers to Support Your Mission

This week, to celebrate Pro Bono Week, the global celebration of pro bono service, we’re launching a new guide on how you can use volunteers to support your nonprofit.

People interested in social good are increasingly looking for more active ways to give back to their communities and to the world – they want to go beyond a donation, and beyond a social media post. They want to give their time and their expertise and work directly with nonprofits and the communities they serve. This is good news for nonprofits, many of which rely heavily on volunteers and pro bono assistance.

A recent Taproot Foundation study found that 92% of nonprofits want more high-quality pro bono to help them fulfill their mission in areas such as marketing, IT, and HR. Volunteering isn’t just about working a table at an event or canvassing the streets with clipboards anymore. People are donating their time and skills to help design websites, create communications plans, train employees and other volunteers, complete data entry, and more.

The CauseVox team is pleased to partner with organizations such as Taproot, and others, that promote volunteerism and pro bono to fill a growing need for resources and support for nonprofits – and to satisfy a desire by individuals to do more meaningful work for their chosen causes.

With Taproot’s help, we’ve put together a new guide, Finding Nonprofit Volunteers to Support Your Mission, to provide nonprofits with some tips and ideas for establishing a robust volunteer community to help support their goals.

View the free guide here, and share your experiences with managing volunteers and pro bono programs at your organization. What has or hasn’t worked for you? What are your ideas to better connect volunteers and businesses with nonprofits?