How To Get More Donations For Your Nonprofit Or Cause

Donations are the gas that will get your car (your nonprofit) to where you’re going (your mission). No matter how great or worthwhile your destination is, without gas, you are not going to get there. You must identify how to get donations for your nonprofit’s mission. You are not going to accomplish your goals. Which is why, of course, fundraising is so essential, even if it’s not always exciting.

Here at CauseVox we’re always looking for ways to help you reach your fundraising goals creatively and effectively. If you’re looking to refresh your donation strategy, or want to review some time-tested methods, check out these five tips for getting more donations.

Related post: How to Find Grants for Nonprofits

How To Get Donations

1. Create great content and stories.

People love a good story. Creating engaging and relatable content, whether in newsletters or YouTube videos, is a surefire way to draw supporters to your cause. Show the journey of one impact client in an inspiring way, and people will line up to make that transformation go further.

2. Report on the impact of donations

If you want people to give you their hard-earned money, you’ve got to show them that it will make a difference. Let people know exactly what their donation will do – whether it’s buying school supplies for one student, feeding a family for a week, or building materials for renovating a community center. After your campaign is over and the money has been put to use, give an update on how the project went. Show your donors what they accomplished.

3. Use social proof

Social proof is the “everyone is doing it” mentality. When people see those around them contributing to a cause, it makes them think that it’s the right thing to do. You can take advantage of social proof by boosting your followers, letting people publish to Facebook or Twitter when they make a donation, and sharing testimonials of volunteers who work with you.

4. Make online donations easy

The smoother your interface, the easier it is for people to donate. You don’t want potential supporters to get frustrated halfway through because your donation process is tedious. Make giving convenient by setting suggested giving levels. The fewer clicks, the better.

5. Say thank you 

If you want donors to come back again and again, show your appreciation again and again too. You can give shout-outs on Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks. Send individual letters and emails, and give updates on the campaign’s success. Make donors feel like a part of the team. For more tips on this, check out some creative ways to say thank you and ways to build community with your supporters.

With these tips, your donations should start firing up! Is there anything we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments.

This post was originally published in March 2013 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.