How R/Evolution raised over $50,000 on their first social fundraising campaign

Revolution CauseVox Online Fundraising

 “Since this was an international campaign, in the beginning, I was scared about whether there would be issues with different currencies.  After setup, however, everything ran really smoothly.  It was great!”  -Malik Metouri, Organizer

Recently, R/Evolution leveraged CauseVox’s social fundraising tools to raise over $50,000 to put on an event to honor H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a teacher of yoga and spirituality. The event kind of defies description, so we’ll just link you to the page and let you experience it for yourself.

The Power of Video
Malik Metouri, one of the organizers of R/Evolution, thought that the CauseVox page layout was super-simple and super-effective.  In particular, he thought that the ease of creating and uploading a video, along with the way the campaign video appears front and center, was very helpful in the success of his campaign. There’s a correlation between video and fundraising success.

Support from Everywhere
The R/Evolution campaign involved tons of emailing and phone calls to supporters around the world (in over 90 countries!), and each constituency was able to come back to the same CauseVox campaign page to make donations and offer support.  A common donation was “€108,” the amount that Malik himself donated to kick off the campaign.  It just spread from there.  (That’s copycatting we can definitely get behind).

Worth It
Malik mentioned that he wasn’t initially sure about CauseVox’s fees, but that in the end, he found it was “definitely worth it.”

With fundraising tips and tricks from our blog, Malik and R/Evolution tweaked their campaign, carried the torch, took donations as small as €10 and as big as €5,000, and in the end, reached their goal.

Congratulations guys – we’re looking forward to seeing the event stream!