#GivingTuesday Is Coming: Last Call For Your Community

We are less than one week out from #GivingTuesday, on December 2. We have no doubt your team is busy running around with the final preparations (come back to the blog in a few days for a post on that topic), but is your community ready, too?

Depending on your fundraising strategy for the end of the year, #GivingTuesday may be the focal point or just another opportunity for a hard appeal. Whichever path your nonprofit has chosen, you still need to make sure your audience is aware of your plans. While December 2 may be circled in red on your calendar and ingrained on your mind, that’s likely not the case for donors. For them, it’s just another Tuesday in two months of holiday chaos.

So how exactly can you rally your community so they are prepared for your #GivingTuesday crowdfunding campaign, and ready to help you achieve your goals? Here are a few ideas.

Tease #GivingTuesday in the P.S. of your next email. If you already have an email to your list on the editorial calendar, take the opportunity to hint at what’s to come. Clearly state the date, and if you can, share any specific details about your #GivingTuesday campaign (i.e. a match, special activity) in one line. The P.S. is often the most-read or clicked on a piece in an email, making it prime real estate.

Bring it up in conversation

In any outreach or response to the community via email or phone, find a way to sprinkle in some #GivingTuesday talk. For instance, if you’re following up with someone who had a question about your organization or who is interested in volunteering, mention that you’re participating in the movement and that they should visit your CauseVox campaign site on December 2.

Create an incentive

If your #GivingTuesday campaign isn’t the center of your year-end strategy, come up with another reason to entice donors on December 2. Reward the first 20 donors with a cool perk or prize, or feature exclusive content for those who do give on that day.

Make it easy for your fundraising teams

If your nonprofit uses peer-to-peer fundraising, make sure your team captains and individual fundraisers have all the tools they need to help reach your #GivingTuesday goals. Send out a toolkit, or an exclusive badge, or other graphics for their website and social media profiles.

Put it on your website

It may seem like a “duh” suggestion, but many organizations miss the biggest and most obvious opportunity to let people know about their participation in giving challenges and competitions. Create a simple homepage banner or graphic (get logos and other images from GivingTuesday.org), and if you have a blog, write a quick post in advance of December 2 to let people know what’s going on!

Got any other ideas for how you get your community on board for #GivingTuesday? Share them with us on Twitter @CauseVox.

Get more tips, best practices, and resources for your #GivingTuesday campaign at CauseVox.com/givingtuesday.