Monday Mixtape 002: Fundraising Changes, Fundraising Jargon, & Facebook Does It Again
Here’s your Monday Mixtape, a weekly newsletter from CauseVox designed to jumpstart your week, challenge your thinking, and inspire you to keep at it.
Each week, we’ll hand-pick must-read articles, thinking, resources, and stories for nonprofit fundraisers and leaders and drop it in your inbox. Have suggestions or questions? Let us know at Enjoy this week’s Mixtape!
This week, we’re looking at change.
Changing the world, changing how we talk about our work, changing how we do things, changes in fundraising, and even the changes in Facebook’s algorithms.
What’s changing for you, lately?

Here’s the Week’s Mix:
“… the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” —Steve Jobs
Track #1: I Have No Idea What You’re Talking About, by Kristina Leroux, at Kivi’s Nonprofit Marketing Blog
Every industry has jargon. With our “strategic planning processes,” and “annual appeals,” and “soft asks,” the nonprofit industry is as jargony as any other. But when we use this inside language to talk to donors, we risk leaving them out.
Kristina Leroux makes the case for clearing out the jargon from your nonprofit communications to connect with your audience and say what you mean. Her post made me laugh out loud, and then my copywriter’s heart skipped several beats. Definitely worth thinking about.
And speaking of Kivi’s Nonprofit Marketing Blog, Kivi Leroux Miller’s new book is out! CALM Not BUSY: How to Manage Your Nonprofit’s Communications for Great Results is on our reading list.
Track #2: 2018 Fundraising Trends: Five Shifts That Will Impact Your Fundraising, by Tina Jepson, at CauseVox
It would be nice to have a crystal ball to see how 2018 will shape up for nonprofits, but Tina takes us through the next best thing: The 2017 Global Trends in Giving Report. Using last year’s data to predict this year’s trends, she explores five major shifts we’re likely to see.
Weekly Wow!
Shout out to Casa Congo, a relatively new organization and CauseVox customer. They’re fundraising to build a conservation school in Nicaragua, and they’re more than ¾ of the way to their goal!
Track #3: Feedback Week: What People Don’t Like About Your Online Giving Process, by Nick Ellinger, at The Agitator
Is your online giving process driving your donors nuts? Does it offer them everything the want? Check out this post from The Agitator, which discovers donors’ biggest pet peeves about online giving, and the things they wish donation processes provided.
And hey, Nick calls for donation platform providers to hear the donors’ cries. We’re listening.
Track #4: How Nonprofits Must Adapt To Facebook Changes in 2018, by Julia Campbell, at CauseVox
Facebook is changing its algorithms. Also, the sky is blue. The social media giant is constantly tweaking its formulas, and this year has already brought some big changes. Nonprofit social media expert Julia Campbell talks us through how to roll with the changes.
Note: Don’t miss Julia co-hosting our webinar on this very topic, see below for details.
Bonus Track: We’re Hiring!
At CauseVox, we believe that together we can help good flourish. We do this by making it easy for fundraising teams at nonprofits to create and manage their online fundraising campaigns and donation pages.
This is a huge (and exciting) task and we’re looking we’re looking for a someone to join our small team as a Front-End Developer. Interested or know someone who’d be a great fit? Learn more here.
And finally …
Seriously, Facebook is changing how it works for nonprofits, and you’ll need to adapt your strategy to get good results. Don’t know where to begin? Luckily, we’ve got a webinar for that.

Join CauseVox and guest host, Julia Campbell, of J Campbell Social Marketing, for an educational webinar that will demystify the latest Facebook developments and help you plan a rocking social media strategy for 2018. Learn more and register here (limited spots open).
Thanks for reading!
– Megan
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P.S. Questions about this week’s mix? Suggestions for next week? Don’t leave me in the dark. Let me know by emailing me at