How Nonprofits Must Adapt To Facebook Changes

Social media is a powerful tool for nonprofits to connect with their community and share their story. However, things are changing (all the time). Facebook’s News Feed has changed again. Live video is growing in popularity and value. Instagram usage continues to skyrocket. And more.

What should nonprofits do? How should you shift your strategy? How should you use social media in 2018?

In this 45-minute presentation, we’ll dive into these important questions and you will learn how you can effectively leverage social media for fundraising and new donor acquisition in 2018. You will also hear about best practices in the sector and specific tips on measuring the ROI of social media for your nonprofit.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Shifts in donor behavior and preferences
  • An overview of changes to Facebook, Instagram, and more
  • How to determine which social media channels on which to focus
  • The best ways to use social media in 2018
  • How to measure success on social media