Children of Vietnam


Dabney Schmitt, a board member of Children of Vietnam, was thrilled to raise over $65,000 to benefit homeless and poor children in Vietnam. To her great surprise, over half of their 450 donors were new to Children of Vietnam.


Children of Vietnam is dedicated to working towards alleviating child poverty in Vietnam. This organization funds programs aimed at providing education, good nutrition, and a safe shelter- which are essential elements in the fight against poverty.

This campaign was organized to raise funds to benefit the children they serve in Vietnam.

The Challenge

Children of Vietnam strives to bring in enough funds to provide growth opportunities and support for children living in poverty in Vietnam. Funds are used in a variety of capacities. For example, Children of Vietnam invests in early education, including building schools, hiring teachers, and purchasing school supplies.

43% of children in rural Vietnam live in poverty, and the average family food budget is $2.43 per day. Children of Vietnam needed a solution that brought to light both the need for financial support as well as general awareness to help combat these statistics.

How CauseVox Helped

Children of Vietnam was looking for a platform that had the functionality and capacity for fundraising teams, which is how they approached fundraising in the past.

They also wanted to have a seamless donation site—one that looked and felt like their own website, so it seemed donations were going directly to Children of Vietnam—and not to the host platform. CauseVox provided them with the ability to customize their campaign and personal fundraising pages with their own branding.

CauseVox was able to provide an appealing and friendly pricing plan that allowed the organization to raise the first $5000 without monthly fees. This was essential for Children of Vietnam, as they do not operate with a large endowment.

Their Results

Children of Vietnam was successful in their efforts because they focused on three areas. First, they recruited fundraisers (including the entire Board of Directors) and relied on this team to share the cause.

Then, they added a component of engagement by asking that donors follow a stringent diet and budget of the average impoverished child in Vietnam. This equated to living off of less than $2 a day. This commitment really got the attention of donors!

Next, they created a fundraiser toolkit complete with information on how to donate and share via social media and other outlets. This helped their fundraisers feel supported and part of a team.

The campaign resulted in over $66,320.75 in donations, as well as increased awareness of the work that Children of Vietnam does to help those most vulnerable. Because of this campaign, this organization was able to provide thousands of vitamin-enriched meals, healthcare, educational opportunities, and more.