Why You Should Use CauseVox for Your #GivingTuesday Campaign

Photo credit: UNDP

With so many options for online fundraising these days, it may be hard to decide which platform to use for big campaigns and opportunities such as #GivingTuesday. And with thousands of partners and nonprofits participating in this unique 24-hour giving event, there’s a challenge and an opportunity to make your campaign stand out, whether you’re doing it for the first time, or the third time.

So, on to the nitty-gritty: what do you need in a fundraising platform for a successful #GivingTuesday campaign, and how can CauseVox help make it happen? Let’s find out:

Easy Customization and Personalization

One of the easiest and most effective ways to make your cause stand out is through branding and personalization. Your message, your stories, and your appeal are more cohesive and credible when you can make full use of your logos, colors, style, and imagery. For some of you, #GivingTuesday may be your first foray into crowdfunding – so it’s important that you start out with a clear, strong impression of who you are and what you’re asking.

Why CauseVox:

  • No coding or developing necessary – our site editor is easy to set up and customize to match your current website.
  • You can use your own domain name as an extension of your main website.
  • Colors, background images, donate buttons, and text can all be adjusted to put your identity and your brand first.

Free Resources & Education Galore


We’re all about providing opportunities to learn and expand skillsets, and there is no end to the topics we could cover related to running a successful #GivingTuesday campaign. From best practices on storytelling and creating an appeal, to engaging your community and leveraging partners, we’ve got you covered.

Why CauseVox:

  • Blog posts leading up to the big day with tips, strategy ideas, and resources to help you plan your #GivingTuesday campaign
  • Publicity and press directed at your campaign via our marketing team
  • An online guide and a comprehensive eBook – both focused on the unique aspects of running a #GivingTuesday campaign on the CauseVox platform
  • Blog posts on featured partner sites to highlight the collaborative nature of the #GivingTuesday community
  • Extra support from the CauseVox team as you prepare for, set up, and manage your #GivingTuesday fundraising campaign

Dedicated Support & Expertise

Taking on #GivingTuesday means more time and more resources for your team. But it also means we’re on your team, making extra time to help you succeed. The whole idea behind #GivingTuesday is that the nonprofit community is banding together for one day to highlight the true nature of the holiday season – everyone partners with each other for the greater good. Whether you need extra help setting up your campaign pages, or you’re looking for tips on the best way to tell your story, we have your back.

Are you ready to get started? We are, too!

Take Action

–> All monthly fees waived for #GivingTuesday campaigns. Sign up on CauseVox.com today to begin prepping your fundraising site and campaign. Or if you’re already a member, let us know that you’d like to be an official participant in #GivingTuesday from within your CauseVox account.

–> Head to GivingTuesday.org and register to be a nonprofit partner, so you can start using all of their great resources and tools.

–> View our #GivingTuesday webinar.