5 Tactics for Better Online Fundraising Campaigns – Part 1

Whether you’re a rookie or veteran, it’s no easy task to put together an online fundraising campaign. You’re dealing with technology, content, and a mountain of other things that need to be organized.

Sometimes it helps to have some tips or new ideas.

Non-profits always ask us about how they can run a successful online fundraising campaign. There’s no one method; it always starts with developing a strategy and thinking creatively.

To help, we looked at some of the most successful non-profits that used CauseVox and examined what they did in their campaign. We noticed a few tactics that your non-profit can follow to run a successful campaign. Check out part one of these proven tactics.

1. Create Partnerships

There are two types of partnerships: partnerships that help you bring in resources and partnerships that augment activities. Resource partners are those who can provide the resources necessary for your fundraising. This can include media, space, equipment, and much more. For example, some successful campaigns partnered with creative firms to design their print materials or create videos for their campaign pages. Finding resource partners can help you lower costs of running a campaign while providing high quality work.

Activity partners are those who can help you promote and raise awareness. This helps you reach new networks of potential supporters and donors. Successful campaigns have partnered with bands, brands, bloggers, and other organizations to amplify the reach of their story. Some activity partners can also help you gain credibility in a new network of individuals and organizations.

2. Leverage Your Support Base

Successful campaigns invite their support base to get involved in multiple ways – more than just donating. Ask your supporters to help plan or promote the campaign. Getting extra sets of hands is sometimes more valuable than just getting a donation.

Many successful non-profits also ask their support base to become fundraisers. This lets you tap into the supporter’s personal networks – potentially thousands of people that you could not have reached otherwise. This opens up an opportunity for their networks to hear your story as well as support your cause.

The most effective way to turn supporters into fundraisers is to encourage them to create a personal fundraising page. These are web pages that are personalized to that supporter and also contain their personal appeal. They direct their friends and family to visit the page, read about why your cause matters, and then donate to you.

Personal fundraisers may feel lost at what exactly to do. We wrote a free eBook, 7 Habits of Effective Personal Fundraisers, to help your supporters become the best non-profit fundraisers.


Here’s Part 2 of the post. You can also download a free PDF version of it too!