31 Great Tweets From #16NTC

The Nonprofit Technology Conference, hosted by the Nonprofit Technology Network, just concluded after a whirlwind week filled with captivating sessions, numerous vendors, strategic planning sessions, and even a few games thrown in the mix.

There were over 100 informational sessions, with presenters highlighting all aspects of the nonprofit spectrum including IT, fundraising, marketing, leadership and program development.

Speakers included Devon Hopkins of EveryAction, Jenna Hubbart of Blue Planet Network, Allison Jones from the Nonprofit Technology Network, Keith Porcaro of Social Impact Lab and Megan Teich of Change.org.

Whether you were interested in learning the nitty-gritty of Google Analytics, or brainstorming ways to create insightful and fun memes for your organization, chances are there was a session for it!

Yes, it was a memorable conference- that’s for sure. So, let’s dive into some of the highlights of the week that were shared via Twitter.

30 Most Valuable Lessons & Insights for Nonprofits from #16NTC #nten tweet this

Here are 30 tweets that summarized #16NTC:

#1 Storytelling Is King

Data only gets you so far. To ensure that you grab the attention of your audience and get them to truly believe in your cause- focus on your story.

#2 Learn Your Audience

There are tools to figure out basically everything you need to know about your donor base. But, don’t forget that data doesn’t solve everything. Simply put, you have to humanize your work.

#3 Have A Specific Target Audience

Not everyone is going to want to be a part of your cause, and it’s likely that you don’t want absolutely everyone involved. Know your target demographics and keep them in mind when marketing.

#4 Convert Those Volunteers Into Donors

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help you guide your prospective donors through the donor engagement ladder and track information such as inconsistent engagement and follow-up communications.

#5 Brand Management

Amazon.com CEO Jeff Bezos knows a thing or two about branding, so this quote is a perfect summary of how your branding should be designed. Make your brand speak to everyone the same, and you’re bound to turn heads.

#6  Have You Really Solved The Problem?

In storytelling, there’s a tried-and-true formula to get your point across. But, don’t jump the gun when telling your story. After all, you may have impacted numerous lives, but you haven’t solved the problem in its entirety. Remember, there’s always work to be done.

#7 There’s Potential For Growth

Long gone are the days when you just have to focus your fundraising efforts on Baby Boomers. There’s a diverse audience of potential donors out there, you just have to use the right techniques to appeal to them.

#8 Prioritize Your Email List

Your loyal donors are likely highly engaged with your organization. They know what’s going on, unlike your unengaged audience. Don’t send fluffy correspondence to those that are unengaged- keep all communications important to ensure that they stay connected.

#9 Don’t Drown Them In Data

There is definitely such a thing as too much data, and chances are your audience doesn’t want (or need) to know all the ins and outs. Keep it simple, tight, and interesting.

#10 It’s All About Having Fun

There’s a time to be serious, and a time to have fun. Good thing the folks at #16NTC were up for having a good time. There’s nothing like using a bit of dancing to highlight the struggle between different nonprofit departments.

#11 Make Them Care

All of your communications should focus on answering this question: “Why should I care?” You must keep on giving your audience a reason to get (and stay) involved.

#12 Remember Your Audience

Yes, this sign is completely ironic, and this can happen in your nonprofit as well. Always be aware of who you are speaking to and don’t assume that people know the ins and outs of your cause. Start with education and talk to your audience on their level.

#13 Memes Can Go Viral

If you are looking to go viral, try a meme. They are highly shareable across multiple social media platforms.

#14 Is Your Nonprofit Mobile-Friendly?

If you aren’t, you should be! For many, the first point of contact they have with your nonprofit is from their cellphone. Don’t make the mistake of ignoring mobile!

#15 Donor Conversion Should Always Be A Priority

Getting volunteers to donate isn’t impossible. After all, they are already engaged in your work. Start by thanking them for their efforts, ask them for a donation and then follow up with that ask with a direct connection between the volunteer work that they are doing and the big picture work that needs to be done through donations.

#16 Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics can help you convert more website visitors into engaged donors. This program is a marketer’s dream and can help you truly figure out your return on investment (ROI).

#17 So, About That Engagement Ladder

Has the engagement ladder analogy been overused? Maybe. This #16NTC attendee had a great idea about how to spice up this popular symbol.

#18 Mo’ Content, Mo’ Money

One of the most tweeted sessions was presented by Devon Hopkins. He argues that the key to more visibility is the creation of engaging and informative content.

#19 Lots Of Feel-Good Ideas

This conference is all about using technology to promote social change. An unlimited number of great ideas were tossed around over these 4 days. One of these was Microsoft’s plan for a public cloud.

#20 Stay Away From Tokens

All too often, we create stories based on our token client, average recipient, or normal donor. It’s time to break the mold and start empowering our audience with real stories that feature a diverse group of protagonists.

#21 Everyone Is Focused On CRM

CRM isn’t just for your data manager. Everyone should be using this software to better the donor experience, and you really don’t need to be a tech-wizard to learn the basics of these programs.

#22 Empowering Takeaway

As nonprofit marketers and fundraisers, it is easy to get bogged down with software programs, visitor analytics, and data management software. Yes, all of these tools are important, but your audience should get the majority of your attention.

#23 Share Your Ideas For Free

You don’t have to go big or go home. Instead, work within your means. There are a lot of free and/or affordable ways to get your data into the hands of your audience.

#24 Don’t Limit Yourself

If you are relying on any one strategy for your marketing, then you are missing out on a broader audience.

#25 It’s Not Just About Numbers

Website analytics are difficult to decipher, especially when you aren’t looking at the right data. Instead of worrying about the number of visitors to your website, consider focusing on the amount of time people spend there.

#26 Websites Aren’t Static

Your website should evolve with your organization. The idea of change may make you worry about branding and consistency issues, but if your nonprofit is experiencing growth of any sort, your website needs to keep up.

#27 Make A Plan

Don’t just set a communications calendar. Instead, focus on an extensive plan that considers satisfaction surveys, engagement opportunities, and regular communications.

#28 Shareability Is A Hot Topic

Videos posted to Facebook will either go viral or be a complete bust. The Humane Society presented some great information on how to get your videos out to the public.

#29 Fake It ‘Til You Make It

Another highly popular session that had attendees on a Twitter frenzy was this session by KC Sledd and Charrose King provided a great introduction to design. They proved that design may be specialized, but even novices can produce good pieces.

#30 Retention Rules

Recruiting sustaining donors can be difficult, so prioritize your donor list. Try targeting donors giving $10 to $100.

#31 Game Time

It wasn’t all about learning and networking, #16NTC participants culminated the week with the annual Geek Games. It’s all fun and games until someone loses at giant Jenga!

A great time was had by all at #16NTC. Whether you are a fan of engaging presentations or a giant photo-worthy shark (yes, I’m not joking), chances are the conference helped guide you to streamline your nonprofit’s processes for the better. Until next year…