9 Social Good Journalists Whose Stories You Need To Read


You want to make an impact on the world. But before you can go forth and take steps to create lasting change, you must first be up to date on the latest facts and issues in which you can be engaged.

With so many different aspects of social good-from food and environmental justice to animal and human rights, it’s hard to keep up with all the news within the space. So, we created a list of stellar journalists you can bookmark to get top updates about social good and the nonprofit space.

Read our online guide to publicity for online fundraising here to learn how to identify and pitch journalists your cause’s next fundraising campaign.

Find out which journalists you can look to, to get the best information available — so you can arm yourself with knowledge.

1) Matt Petronzio, Social Good Editor At Mashable


Photo source: mattpetronzio.com

Mashable is a leading source for news, information & resources for the Connected Generation, but no one else connects to this generation to social issues like Matt Petronzio. Doing oversees coverage on social impact, activism, philanthropy and innovation, his writing engages a wide range of communities around social good.

Writing culturally relevant articles like, Here are the best ways to help people suffering in Greece, What it’s like to come out as transgender to 2 million people via text messageand editing the article in honor of World Lion Day, The spectacular beauty of lions, he’s a master at explaining the depths of social issues but never fails to equip and inspire people to do something about the things they care about.

A true influencer in the social good space, he has also spoken about digital media and social good at events such as United Nations Summer Academy, the Social Good Summit, +SocialGood UK and the Media for Social Impact Summit, making him a journalist you simply cannot miss.

2) Melanie Grayce West, Reporter At The Wall Street Journal


Photo source: https://twitter.com/melaniegwest

Melanie Grayce West brings news about philanthropy, public health, religion and other breaking news to the Greater New York area. In the hustle and bustle of New York, Melanie’s articles are stand out among the crowd to spread important news. Writing articles such as, Gift of $8.5 Million for Charter Schools, Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak Hits South Bronx, and A 9/11 Memorial’s Uncertain Future, Melanie’s articles keep New Yorkers informed about what’s going on around them and what they can do to help.

Knowing that social good isn’t just about the work nonprofit organizations do, she also writes a column titled Donor of the Day, a profile of philanthropists who support charities in the New York region. Her donor celebration and great storytelling will bring you back wanting more.

3) Aimee Meade Journalist and Senior Content Coordinator at the Guardian for the Voluntary Sector Network.


Photo source: https://twitter.com/aimeepaige

Since 2013, Aimee Meade has been bringing us the latest stories about charity, fundraising and philanthropy across the pond. In this globally connected world, staying up to date with trends in Britain can help you find out what strategies are working elsewhere and spark ideas, or, if you happen to be a resident of England, what’s going on in your neck of the woods.

Either way, with her informative and upbeat writing in articles such as Great British Bake Off inspired millions to take part in charity cake sales, Donate and skip the wait – app allows public to jump restaurant queue, and ‘Philanthroteens’: young people who use their pocket money to change the world, you’ll definitely want to see what else this trendy and upbeat social good journalist has to say.

4) Cody Switzer, Assistant Managing Editor and Director of The Chronicle of Philanthrop


Photo source: https://twitter.com/clswitzer

Since the Chronicle of Philanthropy is a major nonprofit news source, you’d think it’d be hard for one journalist to stand out as a top writer in the crowd. But Cody Switzer isn’t just a writer, he actually leads research and development around giving.

With articles like, 6 Ways to Use LinkedIn to Boost Fundraising, 5 Simple Steps to Becoming a Better Presenter and Public Speaker, and Pay Gaps Persist Between Men and Women in Top Nonprofit Jobs, his unique and powerful insights are definitely an asset to any organization that is looking to beef up their knowledge of trends in the space, leadership skills, their strategy.

Switzer also oversees the site’s resource center, hosts webinars, and speaks about how nonprofits use technology and media.

5) Pam Fessler, Correspondent On NPR’s National Desk

Pam Fessler 2010
Pam Fessler 2010 Doby Photography/NPR

Pam Fessler covers poverty and philanthropy, making the direct connection between giving and meaningful impact. Fessler reports on nonprofits and their actions to alleviate social issues such as poverty and homelessness, showing reader the power of the giver.

Writing articles like, Homeless Man Encourages Others On The Streets To ‘Get Up’, New Stats Boast A Dip In Homelessness — But They’re Not The Full Story, and After Katrina, New Orleans’ Public Housing Is A Mix Of Pastel And Promises, Pam paints a picture not only of the problems of poverty within the US, but also explores solutions. She also received the 2011 First Place Headliner Award in the human interest category for her poverty writing.

6) David Callahan Founder of Inside Philanthropy


Photo source: https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/about-david-callahan/

David Callahan was inspired to found Inside Philanthropy because of his interest in how much private money influences public policy and anticipation for the future of philanthropy, which stemmed from research for his book Fortunes of Change: The Rise of the Liberal Rich and the Remaking of America.

A powerful source of knowledge and a big proponent of advocacy, he translates well how advocacy leads to change in articles such as, Grants for Hatred, Grants Against Hatred: Who’s Funding What in an Era of Xenophobia?, Is Making “Big Bets” for Social Change Really So Hard?, and A Funder Seeks More Insights About Inequality. Will That Make a Difference?.

A unique voice in the field, he offers insight into how donations can lead to real-world change.

7) Joe Garecht, Founder Of The Fundraising Authority


Photo source: https://plus.google.com/+JoeGarecht/posts

Joe Garecht counsels nonprofits on how to raise money for their organization. Garecht’s site offers tools and information to help charitable organizations build fundraising plans and strategies. He also created the “Rapid Growth Formula,” and published two how-to books about fundraising.

A visionary for nonprofit fundraising, he provides practical fundraising tips for nonprofits with articles like How to Make 2016 the Best Fundraising Year in the History of Your Non-Profit, Do You Recognize the 4 Early Warning Signs of Donor Withdrawal?, and 5 Things You Need to Do to Run a Successful Viral Fundraising Campaign.

Joe’s special insight into the field of fundraising will give your nonprofit the tactical tools you need to launch a strategic fundraising campaign that will optimize your impact.

8) Ben Schiller Staff Writer for Fast Company’s Co.Exist


Photo source: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benschiller

Based in New York, Ben Schiller has written about how technology helps social issues. Offering key and updated insight into the technology field, Ben’s writing definitely will keep your nonprofit on their toes.

With articles like, Germany’s Energy Transition Shows How Moving To Renewables Is Completely Doable, This Incredible Building Material Shoots Heat Into Space (So Buildings Need Less AC),  and Billionaires Launch A Massive Clean Energy Fund, But Can The World Wait For Its Breakthroughs?, you are left with a greater understanding of how technology interacts with social good, and about upcoming trends you can get involved with to make a change.

Schiller also contributes to the Financial Times and Yale e360 and used to edit a European management magazine.

9) Jen Boynton, Editor-in-Chief at Triple Pundit

jen boynton

Photo source: https://about.me/JenBoynton

Jen Boynton founded a news-media company called TriplePundit, which provides information with the triple bottom line philosophy: People, Planet & Profit. Boynton received her MBA in Sustainable Management and writes about sustainability, business, and social and environmental issues.

Jen takes big philosophies and different topics and unifies them well, drawing sharp conclusions and offering a lot of shareable content. Her socially conscious and business mindset comes shines through in articles such as, The Messy Business of Sustainable Palm Oil, How to Use the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Corporate Impact, and $436B in Global Fossil Fuel Subsidies.

With Jen’s unique voice and focus, her articles are a gift to any social conscious reader.