How the CPWR Fights Terrorism with Crowdfunding

Council of World Religions

Reducing the violence in the world, especially terrorist violence, requires a multi-faceted approach, and the Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions (CPWR) promotes one of the most important avenues toward that goal: increased interfaith understanding.

The CPWR is the world’s largest and oldest global interfaith organization and offers a number of programs and campaigns that seek to promote greater harmony and justice around the world.  Aside from the many challenges of their main mission, the CPWR was also recently in danger of shutting down completely due to insufficient funding.  But with a well-run campaign and the help of CauseVox, the CPWR is back to full strength after having raised over $150,000 ($64,000 of it online)!

How did they do it?  The same way they do everything – they brought a diverse group of people together and inspired them to support a common cause.  Using a CauseVox campaign page and a simple video, they invited people to “Become hope builders.” Then, with an all-out online blitz empowered by their support network and constituent communities, they reached their goal just in time to save their organization.  Now, their global programs can continue, and hopefully, bring greater harmony and peace to the diverse people of the world.

Congratulations, CPWR!

For more information, please click here.