World Help


The Crisis in the Horn campaign was organized by World Help. The ultimate goal was to raise $120,000 in order to send 20 containers of food to the Horn of Africa, providing 4.8 million meals to those in desperate need. A team of over 150 volunteers helped raise awareness and funds for the Crisis in the Horn campaign. Almost 1,000 individuals, churches, and businesses made a donation towards the cause.


World Help is a faith-based, humanitarian organization that serves the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. It was founded in 1991 by Vernon Brewer, the current president of World Help. World Help’s current staff has over 100 people, mostly residing in their home office in Virginia, but also stationed around the world overseeing different aspects of work.

Challenges / Problem

Sustainable food production is an enormous challenge in the Horn of Africa. World Help established the Global Hunger Fund to to provide sustainable food provisions to people affected by food shortages, as well as bring immediate aid when disaster strikes. Around the time of the campaign, an estimated 12 million Somalis, Kenyans, and Ethiopians were starving, due to the worst drought since the 1950s — including 600,000 children on the brink of starvation.

The goal of the 2011 campaign was simple but potentially enormous in its impact: to provide 20 containers of food to the Horn of Africa, equalling 4.8 million meals to those in desperate need.

How CauseVox Helped

CauseVox gave World Help the ability to create a fundraising website for supporters to easily engage their own networks with and become part of the bigger voice behind the campaign. This was the first time World Help offered their supporters a platform like this.

The CauseVox fundraising website was designed to coordinate with World Help’s existing color scheme and logos, and they chose to use a custom domain ( to make branding seamless from their website, emails, and social media.

Fundraisers were able to very clearly demonstrate the impact of gifts both large and small by not only including giving levels in their promotional copy, but also using the Donation Tiers Feature as part of the donation process. This allowed their supporters to choose not just how much money to give, but also how many meals they wanted to provide to those in need.

Their Results

By the end of the campaign, World Help raised over $180,000 through their CauseVox fundraising website. Every $6,000 raised from the campaign went towards shipping a 40-foot container that held 40,000 pounds of wheat, corn, nutrition-packed soup mix, and much more to supply 240,000 life-saving meals to the current crisis in the Horn of Africa.