[Webinar] How to use CauseVox for Fall Fundraising Events

Summer may be winding down, but your job as a fundraiser is ramping up! That’s because fall is a busy time of year for fundraising. 

Sure, there’s #GivingTuesday and the standard year-end push, but limiting yourself to just those two events equates to missed opportunities.

Now is the time to take a good look at your plans for the final months of the year and find a fun, unique fall fundraiser that will help you move the needle on your fundraising goals for the year!

We have you covered with 5 successful–yet untapped–fall fundraising ideas for 2022 with options for in-person, virtual, or hybrid setups.

In this 30-minute live webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Top 5 most successful–yet untapped–fall fundraising ideas for 2022.
  • Examples of high-performing fall fundraising campaigns.
  • Best practices and education tips to run high-performing fall fundraising events.
  • A walkthrough of how to set up your fall fundraising event on CauseVox.

This session will also feature a live Q&A and be recorded for on-demand viewing.

You’ll come away with tangible takeaways on how to set up a fall fundraising event on CauseVox to increase engagement and raise more in no time!

This session will also feature a live Q&A and be recorded for on-demand viewing.

About your Speakers

  • Rob Wu, CEO + Founder at CauseVox
  • Jenna Notarfrancesco, Account Executive at CauseVox


Rob Wu

CEO + Co-Founder @ CauseVox

Jenna Notarfrancesco

Account Executive @ CauseVox

The goodies: