Building An Active And Engaged Board

Engaged Boards of Directors make intentional decisions to invest in their board development, in their board process and in their improvement in order to produce for the organization. These boards have leaders that are involved, accountable, and who work to ensure short-term success, and long-term viability.

This webinar will focus on six ideas that can increase your board’s engagement, by incorporating these intentional strategies.

The practices that we’ll explore include:

1. Framing of questions
2. Annual imperatives
3. Education time
4. Consent agenda
5. Dashboards
6. Assessment

We’ll discuss these 6 strategies and will also cover how to integrate them successfully into your board process.

Lastly, learn the 5 Questions Every Board Should Ask.

You’ll leave with multiple ideas that you can put to immediate use.


Jeanne Allen has 30 years of experience in the nonprofit sector in a variety of management and staff positions including Instructor in the Duke University Nonprofit Management Certificate Program (NC);  independent consultant with nonprofits, Management Consultant/Trainer at Girl Scouts USA National Headquarters (NYC); and Assistant Dean, Multicultural Programs, Westchester Community College (NY).  

She has worked with a wide variety of organizational missions, including environmental, youth development, health issues, advocacy, racial equity and domestic violence.

Jeanne is a newswire contributor for Nonprofit Quarterly and on the Editorial Board for Change Magazine, a publication of NTEN.