Startup Nonprofit: Tips to engage supporters in online fundraising

For nonprofits entering the online space or nonprofits just getting started, finding the right ways to reach prospective donors and supporters can leave you scratching your head. With the rise of email newsletters and social networking, you can interact with supporters on a regular basis by notifying them of current events or fundraising opportunities. With so many options available, getting your supporters to donate their time and money can be a fun and interactive experience.

Creating Your Own Website
The first thing your nonprofit should do is put together a website because if you don’t have a website, then you don’t exist (in the mind of donors). Use it to explain your cause, how you make an impact, and how others can get involved. In addition, include ways that supporters can get in touch with you, either through email, phone, or social media. For organizations just starting up, Bellstrike offers an affordable option.

Email Your Supporters
When you put together your nonprofit’s website, you should include a place for your supporters to share their email address. From there, you can keep your followers up to date on any fundraising opportunities or events with an email blast. Doing this will keep everyone involved and in the loop when it comes to important issues, events or ideas that affect your nonprofit. Look at services like MailChimp and iContact that help you do this.

Using Twitter
Twitter is a relatively new social networking tool that can be used to start conversations with people that you normally would not reach. It is a great tool for providing basic information about your services, events and fundraisers, but it can also be used to directly interact with your supporters. Retweets from supporters will push your nonprofit’s name and ideas to a wider audience, allowing you to increase your followers and meet your fundraising goals.

Using Facebook
As one of the largest social networks on the Internet, Facebook is a mainstay in today’s world. Like Twitter, Facebook can be used to interact with your supporters and followers. You should use the site as a way to make announcements regarding upcoming fundraising drives and engage your friends and followers with interactive postings and content. Be sure to set up links on Facebook to your main website and Twitter, as well as a way for them to subscribe to your email updates.

By using a combination of the above techniques, you can bring in a larger audience for your online fundraising needs. Get started with building your channels today.