CauseVox Product Update: Team Goals, Security Updates, + More

With the summertime coming to an end, we can all feel that year-end fundraising is coming.

So with the year-end in sight, we’ve been focusing on making improvements to the platform, so that your fall and year-end campaigns are more effective than ever before.

Here are the top product updates for your year-end fundraising.

Adding Team Fundraising Goals


We’ve released a new feature which now makes it possible for both admins and fundraisers who create teams to set and edit team goals.


Previously, team pages totaled the fundraising goals of team members to create the team goal automatically. We’ve discontinued that model to allow our users to have more control over the team goal.

By setting your own team goal, you’re empowered to set the goal you desire so that you and your other team members can work towards that goal together, regardless of personal fundraising goals.

With this update to functionality, existing team goals will no longer update to the sum of the fundraiser’s goals. Instead, goals have been set at their current goal standing, and you can update it to reflect the goal you wish at anytime.

Here’s how admins can update the goal for teams.

Here’s how personal fundraisers can update the goal for teams.

Features Enhanced

CauseVox Is Safer Than Ever

We put donor security first! In the past week, we’ve pushed a number of security updates.

One of the largest among our updates includes enforcing SSL site wide. SSL has always been applied to campaign on CauseVox, but users could still access an insecure site by intentionally removing SSL in front of the campaign site URL.

Now, with our security update, site visitors can only access your site at, so they always access the securest version of your site.

We’ve Beefed Up Zapier Even More

We’ve had Zapier up and running in beta for our users, and as we got more feedback, we’ve beefed up Zapier to include the ability to integrate custom fields data and offline donations into your preferred application.

With these enhancements, it’s even easier to transfer your data across platforms, helping you save time on administrative tasks.

Enhanced Notifications To Help You Keep Up To Date

We know that the better we inform campaign admins, the more action they can take to help their campaign become successful. With this in mind, we’ve updated our daily summary email with a new template that now includes fundraiser’s latest posts and new teams created.

You Can Now Get Specific Donation Exports

Sometimes, you just want to give a team or a fundraiser a list of their donors, so they can reach out to them. Other times, you might just need to pull donor information based on teams for your event. Now, there’s no need to sort through all your donations for this information.

Admins can now export donations made to a specific fundraiser or team page, anytime, making it easier for you to act upon your donor data however you want.

Control When Sites Can Take Donations

Previously, as long as a campaign was online, you could receive donations even after a campaign ends. However, we wanted give our users the power to choose when their sites can take donations. So now, you can turn off donations or turn them back on whenever you need.

When you turn off donations to a campaign, people can still navigate to the site, but the donation button will be hidden and your donation form will be disabled to prevent any confusion for your audience.

Ready to explore the new features? Log in here

Recent Customer Success Blog Posts


This summer, we’ve worked to create more content on our blog that’s focused on providing tips to our users to help you make the most of our platform, specifically. While you can check our our Customer Success posts at anytime, here’s a few highlights:

Customer Story: How The Motherhood Collective Raised 4x More This Campaign

We’ve taken notice of The Motherhood Collective, not just because of their notable mission and work, but because they used CauseVox to run a successful fundraising campaign two years in a row. This year, in particular, they blew their initial goal out of the water!

We recently talked with Lauren about her fundraising successes and we’re excited to share all the practical takeaways.

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Create A Welcome Email That Rallies Your Peer-To-Peer Fundraisers

After seeing thousands of peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns on CauseVox, I’ve noticed there’s a small feature that’s generally overlooked, but is potentially the biggest driver of fundraiser engagement after they’ve created their page.

This is the welcome email for personal fundraisers.

The welcome email on CauseVox is sent out to fundraisers immediately after creating their page, and it’s a huge opportunity to welcome them and set them up for fundraising success.

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How To Launch A Recurring Giving Campaign On CauseVox

With recurring campaigns, there’s a higher tendency for donor retention by making it easy for donors to contribute to your nonprofit regularly, while also helping organization raise up to 42% more per donor over the course of a year.

With all this data, it makes running a recurring giving campaign almost a no-brainer, but we also  realize that time and energy are demanded with every campaign you run.

Which is why we want to highlight how easy it is to setup a recurring giving campaign and put it into action.

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We look forward to releasing even more features and content that can help you make the most of CauseVox. We’ll keep you updated on everything with our Product Updates!