Rob Wu On Why People-Based Fundraising Is The Future

Why is people-based fundraising the future?

On this episode we talk with Rob Wu, the CEO and Co-founder of CauseVox. On today’s episode we’re going do something a little bit different than we usually do.

Every single month we have the opportunity to talk with hundreds of nonprofit leaders and hear how they’re thinking about fundraising, what challenges they’re facing and how they see their relationships with supporters are shifting.

Over the past six years we’ve learned a lot, observed over 20,000 campaigns, and thought it was important to stop and take the time to reflect on some of the lessons we’ve learned, especially as we approach the year-end fundraising planning season. Today we’re going to talk more about what we’ve seen makes good fundraising, how fundraising has shifted over the years, and where we think the future of fundraising is going.

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