Taylor Corrado On How Nonprofits Can Leverage Content Marketing

How Can Nonprofits Leverage Content Marketing?

On this episode of Rally & Engage by CauseVox, we talk with Taylor Corrado about lessons nonprofits can learn from how for profit companies approach marketing, how today’s “connected world” has changed the way we fundraise, and effective ways nonprofits can leverage content marketing to rally more people around their cause.

Taylor Corrado

Taylor is currently on the Digital Marketing team at American Express, however has previously help nonprofits raise money online through various marketing roles at FirstGiving, HubSpot, and Blue State Digital.

During her time at HubSpot, she co-authored the book “Transform Your Nonprofit with Inbound Marketing” and managed the content development of 70+ blog articles, content offerings, and webinars designed to help nonprofits reach more people and raise more money for their cause.

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