New Guide: Getting Started With Personal Fundraising

Fundraising is all about the strength of the relationships that you build with your supporters as well as their relationships with their friends and family.

At no other point in our history has it been easier to keep in contact with our friends and family through social media, mobile phones, and new technology. We can instantly send an email, tag a photo, and post an update.

Yet with the plethora of communication tools, we haven’t seen fundraising get any easier. This directly affects your fundraisers. When your supporter fundraises for you, they can get confused on what to do and how to do it.

Why does this happen?

It’s because they’re missing the fundamentals in fundraising as well as using fundraising technology. Overcome this with our free guide.

We created this guide to help you empower your supporters with using CauseVox and fundraising techniques to help them fundraise like a pro. Download our free Getting Started with Personal Fundraising guide today.