Maximize Your Online Fundraising With Google Grants

Are you looking for a way to increase your online fundraising?

If you qualify, you may want to consider Google Grants to help you. Google describes the program on their website:

You’re passionate about your mission. And we’re passionate about nonprofits. The Google for Nonprofits program was designed to help you reduce costs, increase collaboration, extend your reach, and increase your impact.

Google Grants provides qualified organizations free advertising support on Google.

Google Grants is based on Google’s Adwords platform. With this program, you create ads based on your chosen keywords. Since you are chosing the keywords, you could focus on specific initiatives or support for your organization as a whole for your campaigns. When an internet user searches Google for the keyword you’ve selected, your ad may be seen in their search results.

Since this program does require Google Adword knowledge, one of the first things you should do is research the number of searches performed for your selected keywords. Google provides free keyword research tools.

It can take some time to brainstorm different keywords users may be using to find your organization. If you haven’t already done any keyword research, this can be a useful exercise not only for Google Grants, but for many of your other marketing efforts, as well. The more targeted your keywords are, the better chance you have of attracting the right visitor to your site, and appearing high in the search engine rankings.

Alexa provides an extremely useful shortcut – you can use Alexa to find out the search inquiries visitors to your site are already using to find you.

If your keywords are not searched significantly or if competition for the keywords is extremely high, your time may be better utilized on other marketing initiatives.

But, if there are enough searches, and you are willing to take on learning Google Adwords, the support Google is offering non-profits through their Google Grant program may be just the extra marketing push needed to help your organization achieve your goals.