How to Win Free Photography for your Non-Profit

We want to help your non-profit make your vision of the world a reality. In order to be successful, you need to help  your supporters visualize your impact and emotionally connect with why you exist (i.e. the people you serve). But we recognize that we can’t possibly work with every organization that’s doing great work. To increase our impact and help more non-profits tell their story well, we partnered with ListenInPictures to write the Starter Guide to Nonprofit Video Storytelling. In it you’ll find tons of wisdom to help your non-profit create powerful videos which will connect audiences with your work, mobilize supporters and of course- fundraise.

We want to make sure that as many non-profits take advantage of this resource as possible.

So starting Monday November 14th, we will be hosting a competition on twitter. Post your favorite insight from the e-book with the hashtag #startstorytelling and tag @ListenInPict and @CauseVox. Each week for a month one winner will be randomly chosen. Winners can then choose which prize they want (if you don’t work for a non-profit, you can offer to transfer your prize to your favorite org).

You could win:

1. An hour of free photography by ListenInPictures to capture your non-profit’s impact or shoot headshots of your team (You must be located in NYC or willing to pay for transportation).

2. An hour long storytelling consultation (in person or via skype) with ListenIn Pictures to help your non-profit create a a killer storytelling campaign strategy.

3. A $350 discount towards a video storytelling project with ListenIn Pictures.

4. A free year of waived monthly fees ($468 value) on CauseVox to help your organization run powerful online fundraising campaigns.

You don’t want to miss this chance.

Sign up for your free copy now at and spread the word.