How Change for Kids raised over $145,000

Over the course of 30 days, CauseVox powered the online component of Change for Kids fundraising campaign. In total, their Bowl for Kids campaign raised over $145,000 in donations. These donations enable 1400 students in NYC to have literacy, arts, music programs, and more.

This case study discusses how Change for Kids exceeded their campaign goal of $100,000 and key lessons learned related to the online component of the campaign.

About Change for Kids
Change for Kids started by providing NYC classrooms with essential learning materials such as pencils, paper, crayons, art materials, and science sets. Since then, CFK has expanded its mission to partner with New York City’s most under-resourced elementary schools to provide their students the opportunities every kid deserves – providing programs such as art, music, fitness and nutrition, school supplies and field trips.

Bowl for Kids Campaign
In the fall of 2010, Change for Kids launched Bowl for Kids, a multi-channel integrated campaign, to raise $100,000 for NYC public schools. As a key component of the campaign, Change for Kids sought creative ways to engage supporters to fundraise on the non-profit’s behalf. The campaign culminated in a bowling event that encompassed performances from students, program reviews, and a silent auction.

Change for Kids | Bowl for Kids $100k Campaign

The CauseVox platform powered the online component of the Bowl for Kids campaign. The easy to use and customizable platform enabled Change for Kids to create a campaign that seamlessly mimicked the look and feel of their website. Board members, Junior Council, and other supporters could easy create fundraising pages within the campaign to make it their own.

Campaign Techniques
During their campaign, Change for Kids used several techniques to make the online component of Bowl for Kids a success.

  • Content – Change for Kids humanized their programs by including Flickr slideshows of students that their programs help.
  • Email – Emails were sent to their mailing list that gave updates on the progress of the campaign
  • Seeding – The organization leadership and Bowl for Kids committee jumpstarted the campaign by creating their own fundraising pages. Follow on supporters were able to follow their example and create pages of their own.

Campaign Results
By the end of the campaign, Change for Kids raised over $145,000 ($25,000 online), beating their original $100,000 goal. Because of that success, they are able to provide comprehensive programming for two partner schools, add tutoring sessions on Saturdays, and expand fitness and nutrition programming.

Change for Kids - Bowl for Kids Blog

Key metrics of the campaign include (rounded figures):

  • Fundraising pages that have raised $10 or more: 18
  • Highest amount raised per page: $7630
  • Average donation size: $100
  • Total number of donations: 250

Lessons Learned

    • Integrated fundraising campaigns help you yield greater fundraising success than single-channel approaches
    • Lead by example in creating and promoting fundraising pages

Change for Kids - Chris