Highlights from our NTEN/Foundation Center digital storytelling session

Digital storytelling is one of the big trends for nonprofits in 2012. More and more of them are seeing a high ROI on creating videos, writing narratives, and investing in media. Yesterday, we presented with Annie and Ethan from ListenIn Pictures at NTEN’s 501 tech event in NYC about our digital storytelling for nonprofits. We had a crowd of 80+ nonprofits, video experts, and techies. Here are a few highlights from Twitter:

  • @nonprofitbridge: Advice for #nonprofits – don’t focus on what you do; focus on who you do it for
  • @ekornblut: “Your organization is not the protagonist”: good advice from @ListenInPict on nonprofit video storytelling
  • @fdncenter: With the advent of digital tech,social media,storytelling has become democratized
  • @marahverse: On audio…collect your source materials & be prepared. High quality voice over goes over much better than crappy music
  • @fdncenter: Your job is to catalyze your audience to be story-sharers.
  • @amyrsward: “People are the new engines of influence” – that’s why digital storytelling is so powerful!
  • @thomasnegron: If you want to convey a high quality video on a budget, then focus on good audio.
  • @fdncenter: Average length of video 121 seconds (via @robjwu) for online
  • @nonprofitbridge: Advice for #nonprofits – don’t focus on what you do; focus on who you do it for

Read all the highlights by click here. Download our free digital storytelling ebook.