3 Tips To Help Your Nonprofit’s Blog Reach A Broader Audience

You put a lot of elbow grease into crafting high quality, engaging, and relevant content for your nonprofit’s blog. So, it’s only natural that you want your posts to get in front of as many eyeballs as possible. After all, nobody wants to put in all of that work for only a handful of page views.

Here at CauseVox, we know this well and built blogging into our fundraising platform, so that your stories and updates can live alongside your fundraising campaign instead of buried somewhere else.

However, anyone who’s ever blogged knows that it’s not a “build it and they will come” sort of situation. In order to continuously expand your reach and grow your blog audience, you need to actively work on promoting and marketing your content. How? Well, here are three tips you can use starting today!

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3 Tips To Help Your Nonprofit’s Blog Reach A Broader Audience

1. Mention Companies And Influencers

Growing your nonprofit blog’s audience is tough enough. But, trying to reach a broader audience? That can be even more challenging because that broader audience may or may not be in your existing target market.

mention influencers

So, mentioning various organizations, tools, and influencers within your blog post can be an effective strategy for getting your post shared by more people. For example, let’s say you mention Hatch for Good directly in one of your blog posts, along with a link to their website.

What next? When you promote the blog on social, you should tag Hatch for Good so that they’re certain to see your post.

Since they’re cited in your content, they’re much more likely to then share your post on their own accounts. So, not only do you get your post in front of your own social followers, but Hatch for Good’s audience as well.

Mentioning these different companies and influencers is a powerful tactic for not only reaching new audiences, but also building strong, beneficial relationships with peers in your own industry.

2. Don’t Be Afraid To Syndicate

Of course, you want all of your content to be housed on your own blog—content marketing is a tool for pulling more traffic to your website, after all. But that doesn’t mean you can’t also publish that article elsewhere.

Post a copy of your blog article to publishing platforms like Medium or LinkedIn Pulse. Preface each post with a simple line that says something like, “This article was originally published on the Nonprofit XYZ blog” and link that directly back to your website. That way, if people like the post, they can easily click through to find out more about your organization.


I know, it can feel unnatural to share your coveted content on a platform other than your own blog.

But, Medium has continued to grow in popularity, making it a great place to share your articles and get them in front of an audience that might not necessarily find your original blog content or organically search for your website.

While it’s not quite considered syndication, you should also consider crafting guest posts for other prevalent, industry-related blogs.

That byline gets your nonprofit out there in front of different audiences that are already interested in the type of work you do—meaning you’ll likely draw more people into your own blog and website.

You knew that social media had to appear somewhere on this list. Of course, the two tips mentioned above also include social elements—making it a key part of your overall blog promotion strategy.

3. Use Social Tools

social media

But, beyond tagging influencers and republishing to platforms, you should plan to do a few other social activities for each new blog post you create. Here are a few ideas for inspiration:

Use a social scheduling tool like Buffer to queue up several Tweets and Facebook posts for a specific blog post for the next coming weeks—or even months. You don’t want to just promote a post the day it publishes—make it your goal to continuously draw new traffic to that content.

Search for relevant questions on forums like Reddit and Quora. Draft a thoughtful response to the question, ending with a link to your related blog post that people can visit for more information on the topic.

Utilize powerful imagery on a platform like Instagram or Pinterest to draw more readers into your content.

Participate in relevant discussions on LinkedIn to engage in conversations and refer users to your blog content.

Of course, there are numerous other tactics and tricks you can put into play on social media to bring more people to your blog. But, those are enough to get you started on growing your audience!

Learn how you can use CauseVox’s online fundraising platform to broaden your audience, engage new supporters, and raise more money online.

Final Thoughts

The work we do as fundraisers is hard, when you put your blood, sweat, and tears into crafting high quality content, it’s only natural to want to reach as large of audience as possible. However, simply authoring the content isn’t enough—you need to actively promote it in order to widen your reach. Use these three tips to help your nonprofit’s blog reach a broader audience, and watch as your page views climb!

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