Getting Your Community to Show Up to Your Fundraising Campaign

Running an online fundraising campaign is like participating in a football game — you want your team (support base) to show up. When your supporters don’t show up, then you’re not going to get the fundraising results that you want.

What’s the best to make sure your supporters show up? Ask them. Remind them. Reward them.

Ask your supporters to participate in a fundraising campaign. This doesn’t mean just sending out a newsletter, this means asking your key players to bring their A-game. If you get push back, figure out why. They can help you refine your campaign strategy.

Remind your supporters about your campaign. Your supporters love to help but they’re bombarded by hundreds of other things a day. Remind them that you need their help.

Reward your supporters for showing up and playing hard. Be sure you show your appreciation and reward them for the hard work so they show up again next time.