Fundraising Tip: Crafting a Compelling Story

I remember growing up and listening to the stories my grandparents would tell me about the China Civil War. They would talk about fighting in the war, taking care of the wounded, and eventually escaping to Taiwan. Their stories would capture my attention completely.

Stories are narratives that help us understand events, culture, and morals. Through the plot, characters, and point of view, we are drawn in and lost in the narrative.

When was the last time you watched a movie, read a book, or saw a show that completely drew you in? When was the last time you gave your full attention unintentionally?

If you’re like me, then it happens all the time. Storytelling occurs everywhere – movies, books, shows, and even ads.

To get better results for your non-profit or fundraising campaign, craft a compelling story to draw in your audience. We created the COMPEL framework, as a way to get started.

  • Clear – Describe the campaign clearly and call out the action you want the audience to take, if any.
  • One Idea – Distill your program and mission into one idea that is easily remembered.
  • Metrics – Include metrics to appeal to the quantitative and analytical sides. Show days, amounts, and trends.
  • Personal – Help the audience connect to your constituents or yourself. Have a personality. You don’t need a professionally created video.
  • Emotive – Make the content emotive to help the reader relate and see the importance of your campaign.
  • Latch – Use mixed media to capture audiences. Video is the richest form of online communication.

Your story is important; it is also unlike any others. Use it to compel others to join your cause.