Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Tiffany Eriksen


Tiffany Erkisen is an avid supporter of The Adventure Project. When we interviewed Jody Landers, co-Founder of the organization, she mentioned Tiffany was a big part of launching their TypeTAP campaign. Tiffany shares her fundraising tips and techniques below.

Tell us a little bit about who you are.
I’m a 25 year old college graduate looking for an adventure. I love travel, art, cooking, writing, reading, blogging, creating, coffee and relating, there’s nothing better than coffee with a side of sunset and a good friend to chat with. I currently spend my days working for a non-profit humanitarian aid organization and my evenings dreaming of ways to change the world.

Why did you decide to fundraise for TypeTAP?
The Adventure Project has these two incredible founders (Becky and Jody) who believe in empowering their supporters. Suzanne and I were given the opportunity to have a phone conversation with Jody and Becky that birthed TypeTAP. They took the time to listen to our ideas and then empowered us to take ownership of TypeTAP. Participate in a great cause that is changing lives and is run by women my soul resounds with? How could I not join this journey?

What methods did you use to get people to come to your page?
Ah, the power of social media meets the warmth of relationships. I blog on a regular basis and while I don’t have a large readership, I believed in the readers that frequented my page. Facebook, Twitter, face-to-face interactions — TypeTAP became part of my everyday conversation, whether in person or through social media.

What has been the most difficult part of fundraising?
Finding the line between spreading my message and overworking my resources. I never wanted any of my readers, friends or family to feel pressured into participating or giving — but I also wanted to share the campaign with all the passion and enthusiasm I felt. It’s a fine line that required regulation of my excitement without stifling the cause.

Any tips you’d like to share with other fundraisers?
1. Own your page and be creative – reach out to your crowd specifically, appealing to them by speaking directly to them. I started out with a goal of $200 and the day before I realized the power of my “crowd” and knew I could reach higher. Two minutes before the campaign ended my page had reached the $500 goal — all credit due to my incredible friends and family.
2. Keep everyone up to date – let them know where the campaign is at, and let them know where your personal campaign is at. Then follow up, send them an email thanking them and letting them know you’ll keep them informed of future opportunities.
3. Use whatever resources you have – whether it is the web content for your cause, or a video about your campaign…be sure to keep it fresh and exciting.