Live Debate: Facebook Fundraiser Pros & Cons

In the last few years, Facebook has launched an array of new tools for nonprofits. This includes a better donations tool, groups, events, and peer-to-peer fundraisers. Additionally, Facebook has made three major shifts to how it prioritizes content in the News Feed. All these changes can be tough to keep up with. What should your nonprofit do? Should you use these tools?

Our social media expert, Julia Campbell, and I have been asked by dozens of nonprofits these questions, so (after a spark-filled discussion) we decided to GO LIVE and answer your questions in a 20-minute debate, specifically around the pros and cons of Facebook fundraisers.

Debate Host by:

  • Noah Barnett // Marketing at CauseVox
  • Julia Campbell // Digital Strategist & Founder at J Campbell Social Marketing

In this 20-minute presentation, we’ll debate the pros and cons of using Facebook Fundraisers as part of your community-driven fundraising strategy instead of a personalized peer-to-peer fundraising platform.