Enter TechSoup’s Digital Storytelling Challenge by 2/29 to win great technology donations

We love TechSoup, and our friends over there are having a digital storytelling challenge for nonprofits this month! Read more below.

TechSoup’s third annual Digital Storytelling Challenge (TSDigs) is on this month, and we want you to submit!

It’s simple: Create a one-minute video or five-photo slideshow capturing your organization’s mission, passion, and hard work and enter it by February 29. A panel of judges – including award-winning documentarian Marc Smolowitz, Raven Woods of Netroots Nation, and the folks from the Story of Stuff – will pick the best videos and photo slideshows to win technology for your org, donated by our generous partners. An additional award will be given to audience choice winner.

Serious technical skill is not necessary, and we have loads of resources to get you on track, including learning opportunities, recorded webinars, and blog entries sharing knowledge from experts in the field. Visit www.tsdigs.org today to find out more and get your story in by February 29!

Guidelines and Timeline

  • Challenge is open to all social benefit orgs and free agents for good, regardless of 501(c)(3) status or location
  • Create a one-minute video or five-photo slideshow capturing your impact and mission
  • Upload to YouTube or Flickr and submit your video or photos by February 29
  • Return to www.tsdigs.org March 5 – 9 for online community voting of audience choice award
  • Winners of terrific award donations announced on March 28 at awards screening ceremony in San Francisco and Second Life (stay tuned for details!)

Remember that video is quickly becoming the content people are spending the most time with online these days, and digital stories are a powerful way to share the passion and hard work your organization has for its mission.

What’s your story? Share it today!

Your friends at TechSoup.