How To Distribute And Market Your Nonprofit Story


You know that we here at CauseVox believe that storytelling is important. Storytelling may even be the single most important thing you do to connect people to your cause and inspire them to make a difference with you.

But you also know that today, anyone with a story and access to the Internet can share their story. From blogs to social media to video creation and streaming, the opportunities for any person or organization to share a story are endless. Which is great news for storytellers.

Of course, it is also terrible news for storytellers.

With the ubiquity of content creation options, it can be hard to break through with your message in a world chock full of content. How do you get your voice, your message, and your cause to be heard?

Well, you focus on making high-quality content. You pay attention to making that content unique—something that can’t be found on any blog or feed.

And then you strategically distribute that content.

In our online guide, 7 Options to Distribute and Market Nonprofit Content, we talk about how to use existing platforms and services to make sure your story is seen, not only by your existing audiences but by new ones as well.

Within this guide, you’ll learn about:

Four third-party platforms on which you can easily publish content.
These platforms allow you to publish content that you aren’t ready to share on your own site and put your story out there in front of brand new audiences. One is used by only 3% of charities. You have the opportunity to be a pioneer!

Two existing methods of distribution you may not be used to their fullest.
We have started to take some of our traditional distribution methods, such as email and social media, for granted. We know we have to use them but don’t put a ton of time into them. But these two deserve a second look and maybe even a fresh new approach

One unique idea that you may not have thought of.
We’ll encourage you to think beyond your own channels and explore the possibility of partnering with someone else to send your message further.

There are as many ways to share your story as there are stories to tell. Check out 7 Options to Distribute and Market Nonprofit Content to get started and watch your message travel farther than it ever has before.