December 30 & 31 Online Fundraising Checklist

New Years Fireworks

Some say it’s “the most wonderful time of the year,” but it can also be the busiest.  Whether you’re elbowing past last-minute shoppers, dodging tourists, attending a million holiday parties, figuring out how to roast a ham, or trying to squeeze in time with family, it gets pretty hectic. And that’s before we even begin to think about work.

It’s crunch time in the nonprofit world.

While one-third of all online giving for the year occurs in December, a whopping 22% happens in the last two days of the year. We know you’re working in overtime, fueled mostly by cookies and candy canes, to bring those dollars in. And despite all those boozy holiday parties, you know how to prioritize.

To help you make sure nothing slips through the cracks, we’ve put together a year-end checklist for you to run through. Make sure to tick through these things before the end of the year.

1.    New Years Newsletter

Make sure your supporters are thinking about you during the year-end  by sending out a seasonal newsletter. Include latest news and breakthroughs, as well as urgent needs for the start of 2013.

2.    Special Video

It’s no secret that videos are highly effective, and now is the perfect time to come out with one. People are more inclined to be generous this time of year, but there are also lots of other groups vying for their attention. Stand out from the crowd with some snazzy screenings.

3.    Fundraising Appeal

Run a two day online fundraising campaign. Make sure your appeal is in tip-top shape and time things strategically.

4.    Content Schedule

Since things can get busy in the last two days, have your content (blogs, newsletters, etc) timed and scheduled ahead of time. Then you can put a few things on autopilot while things come down to the wire.

5.    Donation Landing Page

Do you have a landing page yet after people make donations online? Get on that! Look into CauseVox if you need help.

6.    Personal Fundraising Pages

Encourage people to fundraise for your cause instead of asking for presents. We can help with that too!

7.    Thank You Notes

It’s easy to get behind on your thank you notes, but you don’t want them to pile up on you. Don’t let yourself get behind on this while other things get busier – you’ll thank yourself later.

Do yourself a favor and start the new year fresh, instead crawling out from under a massive pile of unfinished to-dos. Good luck with year-end fundraising!

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