Craig Antico On Turning Expertise Into A Purposeful Mission

How Can You Turn Expertise Into Purpose?

On this episode we talk with Craig Antico, the co-founder and CEO of RIP Medical Debt, about how you can turn your expertise into a purposeful mission, how to move from advocacy to action, and the fundraising challenges of advocating for people that are hesitant to share their stories or are anonymous.

Craig Antico RIP Medical Debt

RIP Medical Debt was founded with the mission of seeking out, buying, and then abolishing unpaid and unpayable medical debt. Two million Americans this year will file for bankruptcy because of medical expenses. A financially toxic cocktail of higher insurance rates and co-pays, loopholes in coverage, escalating medical treatments and prescriptions costs, and incredibly expensive deductibles can submerge people into debt no matter what their financial condition.

Through sophisticated data analytics, RIP analyzes its medical debt portfolios to pinpoint those who are most in need of relief and then negotiates to purchase this debt for a significantly reduced amount – rates typically made available only to large organizations in the debt buying industry. Once this debt is purchased – debtors are unburdened of this unpaid item.

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