[Class On-Demand] Intensive: Getting Started With Individual Giving

Did you have any major funding fall through this year?

It leaves you with a pit in your stomach, thinking, “How am I going to make up for all those lost funds?”

But there is a way forward! You can start by building your individual giving program at your nonprofit.

Individual giving is both intriguing and intimidating if you’re a new nonprofit or trying to diversify income an organization that has historically been funded by foundations.

There are so many types of individual giving:

  • Do you do traditional or digital?
  • A membership program?
  • A major giving program?

What do those terms even mean?! Donors don’t grow on trees, so how do you find them and attract them to your mission?

It’s hard to know where to begin, but the good news is that there are some clear, concrete steps you can take to start building and growing your individual giving program today!

In the 2-hour, hands-on intensive, Getting Started With Individual Giving, you’ll learn:

  • Basics of annual planning for individual giving.
  • Where to find donors and how to attract them to your mission both off and online
  • The stages of the donor pipeline and how to get started building your pipeline
  • Types of solicitations and ways to ask individuals to give
  • Tracking your program and how to scale up
  • + more!

The process of building an individual giving program may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You can get started with a couple of spreadsheets and a written plan, but to grow sustainably, you need to plan ahead for success!

This intensive will show you how!

Registration is ongoing! Register for the intensive for only $65.

You’ll receive a recording of the intensive class afterward to watch on-demand.

Interested in registering? Sign up for the Individual Giving Intensive by registering to the left or bottom.


Who is this class for?

This course is for startup, small, and medium-sized nonprofits that don’t have a strong foundation for individual giving set up at your organization.

This class may be for you if:

  • Your organization is 80% or more grant-funded, but you are worried about revenue diversity.
  • You’re a brand new organization and don’t have an individual donor base (or a very small one).
  • You get some individual donations, but don’t have a formal “program.”
  • You have done one or two digital fundraising campaigns, but don’t have a formal program

You’ll learn how to build your individual giving program from the ground up.

Do I need to use CauseVox for this class?

No! This is a platform-agnostic course, so you can use your existing fundraising tools (donate button, etc). We offer the CauseVox Basic Plan for free if you do need a digital fundraising platform.

How much does this Individual Giving Intensive cost?

Registration is ongoing! Register for the intensive for only $65.

Where do I do the class?

This class is delivered through one, 120-minute live webinar.

The class will be recorded and available to watch on-demand anytime. You’ll receive a link to the recording, a pdf of the slides, as well as additional resources .

When is the class?

The live class is on 9/15 from 2-4pm EST.

How do I sign up?

Sign up via the “Register Now” box to the left or below. You will be billed immediately and a unique link to join the intensive will be sent to you via email.

Who the class taught by?

Getting Started With Individual Giving is being taught by Kelly McLaughlin: Your NonproFIT Coach.

Kelly has spent a career learning from and digesting the best practices put out by the best and biggest in the nonprofit industry…and then figured out how to make their systems work for small nonprofits—the ones with tiny budgets, too few staff members, or other resource restrictions.

She pairs this expertise with principles of behavior change management—learned from her years as a fitness trainer—to make sure the changes your organization makes stick and contribute to long-term growth at your organization. Kelly has worked with a range of nonprofits, from multi-million dollar budgets to volunteer-run groups, from political advocacy to arts education, from international aid to local historical societies. Visit her at fitnonprofit.com.

I have questions. Can you help?

Feel free to email us at support@causevox.com if you have any questions about this course.