Boston Marathon Terror Attack – CauseVox Fee Waiver

“Deirdre Hatfield, 27, was steps away from the finish line when she heard a blast. She saw bodies flying out into the street. She saw a couple of children who appeared lifeless. She saw people without legs.” – NY Times

This week, two crude bombs were detonated by an unknown party at the Boston Marathon. The FBI is currently investigating the attack.

CNN reports that 3 are dead and 152 are wounded from the terrorist attack. Included in the dead is an 8-year old boy, who was there to cheer his dad on towards the finish line.

Year after year, the Boston Marathon is a symbol of human achievement and inspiration, but now has been pulled into a blanket of fear.

Our first careers were equipping our nation to fight the war on terror. Today, we’re equipping people like you to make a difference.

From now until June 30, 2013, we are waiving 100% of our CauseVox fees for any fundraising campaign created on CauseVox to help those effected by the Boston Marathon.

Just click here to apply for a fee waiver.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those effected by the Boston Marathon terror attack. Please email us at if you have any questions or if there are other ways that we can help.

PS: Please help spread the word by sharing this blog post on Facebook and Twitter below.

– Rob and Jeff, Founders of CauseVox