6 Tips for Social Fundraising

We’re heading into the prime season for fundraising! As you’re planning your fundraising campaign, here are six quick tips to help you succeed.

  • Prepare your staff. Even though your event is online, it is crucial that the team members involved have the knowledge and adequate training to participate in the effort. Teamwork and communication are key to a successful virtual fundraising campaign.
  • Effective website layout. The site should be visually appealing while having great storytelling. The purpose of the online fundraising campaign should be clearly and briefly stated.
  • A clear call to action. This statement should appear on each page so that visitors understand what is being asked of them.
  • Sharing of goals. Viewing real-time data allows visitors to connect with the fundraising efforts and encourage them to realize that their donations can make a difference.
  • Ease in spreading the word. Donors should have an easy way to spread the word themselves with either a one-click button or easy link to copy and paste in e-mails and social media sites.
  • E-mail updates. Donors like to be continously updated on how their funds are being used as well as any other pertinent information related to the cause. Be sure that visitors have a way to sign up for e-mail updates.

Online fundraising involves more than just putting up a donation box. With the right mix of website tools and teamwork, nonprofits can successfully raise needed funds for their cause.